The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Even a tree with roots dug up from the ground will die.
In the past I can remember a tree surviving. Most don't though as they get too dried out.

and a plastic one is just not an option. Plastic equals oil... And you don't need to hear the rest :laugh:
My vote is for synthetic as they can be re-used again and again for years. Compared to the waste of other oil based products, they are really quite good things. I'm not even sure if thy are all made of plastic...

BTW, @Ellie, your boyfriend sounds like he would get on well with our @SatNavSaysStraightOn :D
Thousands of acres given over to producing Christmas trees, constantly drawing harmful carbon dioxide from the air and generating useful oxygen. What's not to like?
Just have to share a funny.
Talked to mom 3 times today. Twice about the weather. I called her to tell her she was twice as warm as me. She called me an hour later to tell me her temp had dropped. Third time was to tell her my husband was sorry about him calling her and no she didn't have a payment due. He hit mom instead of home, then got busy so she hung up on him. He realized his mistake when he went to call me back to get some information.
Don't go there. I'm in hiding....
So are the chickens
Thousands of acres given over to producing Christmas trees, constantly drawing harmful carbon dioxide from the air and generating useful oxygen. What's not to like?
Good point - besides many of the trees are simply 'thinnings' from maintained forests and act as a sideline cash crop until the timber is ready
PS - actually we did have one that survived - we basically treated it as a house-plant, watered it the lot and planted it out in the spring. Not something you can do too often though - unless you are trying to create a forest.
Tomorrow evening is the company Xmas do and there is a distinct lack of enthusiasm. In the past a lot of people went, groups met up before, had a drink then off they went. As time has gone on there are fewer people going, this year only 23 and 2 of those are not employees. All are going straight to the venue, some because they will be watching a football match on the tv before so won't get there until just before the meal starts, they will then leave after the meal because the local casino is showing a boxing match, most people leave after the food anyway. As always, on Monday a lot of people will complain about the food, music, lack of atmosphere etc.... which is why we don't go! Instead this evening we are going to our local pub for 'Comedy Christmas' a 3 course meal then a comedy show, a lot more fun :D
Kirk Douglas is 100 years old today. Well done Kirk.

Over the past year or so we have been doing a lot of work in the front garden, cutting down conifers, digging up plants and bushes etc. So this year we planted some annuals and spring bulbs and have had a lovely splash of colour. A couple of months ago I planted a lot of bulbs ready for next year, had some left so went out earlier today to plant the rest of them, cannot remember what they are so next Spring should be interesting.
Tomorrow evening is the company Xmas do and there is a distinct lack of enthusiasm. In the past a lot of people went, groups met up before, had a drink then off they went. As time has gone on there are fewer people going, this year only 23 and 2 of those are not employees. All are going straight to the venue, some because they will be watching a football match on the tv before so won't get there until just before the meal starts, they will then leave after the meal because the local casino is showing a boxing match, most people leave after the food anyway. As always, on Monday a lot of people will complain about the food, music, lack of atmosphere etc.... which is why we don't go! Instead this evening we are going to our local pub for 'Comedy Christmas' a 3 course meal then a comedy show, a lot more fun :D
Sunday is hubby's company thing. I am so glad they switched to nice restaurant dinners as opposed to renting a place, having it catered and a very loud DJ with bring your own booze. Though they did quit giving out door prizes.
Sunday is hubby's company thing. I am so glad they switched to nice restaurant dinners as opposed to renting a place, having it catered and a very loud DJ with bring your own booze. Though they did quit giving out door prizes.

The thing is a lot of people don't like the formality of it and would much rather go to an Indian restaurant, have a few beers. As it is, the places they go to cater for a few hundred at a time so a lot of the food is cooked off site then reheated so it isn't very good. There are a few people we wouldn't normally socialise with and to be honest some turn up already drunk and get drunker and more obnoxious as the evening goes on, it isn't pleasant to have a drunk,balding, pot bellied 50 something slobbering over me telling me he has always fancied me and if I wasn't already taken then him and me... :stop:

We don't go anymore :headshake:
The thing is a lot of people don't like the formality of it and would much rather go to an Indian restaurant, have a few beers. As it is, the places they go to cater for a few hundred at a time so a lot of the food is cooked off site then reheated so it isn't very good. There are a few people we wouldn't normally socialise with and to be honest some turn up already drunk and get drunker and more obnoxious as the evening goes on, it isn't pleasant to have a drunk,balding, pot bellied 50 something slobbering over me telling me he has always fancied me and if I wasn't already taken then him and me... :stop:

We don't go anymore :headshake:
You brought a laugh on.
In years past, I had the drunk draped on my arm. He was actually fairly good looking and his wife who actually ran the small restaurant we were using that year kept giving me thank you smiles. My husband was no help in removing him.
Another year, had a woman in a long prom dress that would literally pull it up to dance. She wasn't wearing underwear. To top that off, her monthly showed up with a vengeance.
Other years it was a bit tamer but it seemed the booze brought out the wanna be strippers. I wouldn't get on the dance floor. I could either dance in heels or barefoot. I always wore flats to the parties and I darn sure wasn't taking off my shoes.
Besides I was out of practice and didn't want to make the wannabes look bad. I have danced professionally more than once. First time on a stage, I was 16 and belly dancing. Been country dancing since I was 11.

This will make the 27th Christmas party. 3 different companies, same business. 100's of people have come and gone.
The first one was in an employee's house in the next town over and I had known my date for all of 5 days.
Only about 20 people tops at that party. Then when they got more stores and more employees, we started doing restaurants. Then came the buy outs. Way more people.
Now to cut back on expenses, the 5 towns do their own dinners. Well the two towns that are now connected do one dinner. That makes it nice and no one has to drive 2 hours.
"There might be other factors involved too." Since the ones that used to be in charge of the parties are long gone.
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