The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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a Muslim owned restaurant is feeding people for free on the 25th for anyone on their own.
Bit like the salvation army and lots of other christian organizations then - Oh and the Sikh temple. It seems fashionable to denigrate Christianity and 'the church' but I see and hear very little of the same vitriol applied to Islam or indeed any other religion [ not in the open anyway ]. Believe or don't believe- that is your right but I must disagree with the belittling of another man's faith - of whatever type.
As for thanksgiving - not being a religious festival - who exactly were the settlers giving thanks to ?
I hate the pathetic commercialism that seems to be rife now but that is hardly a Christmas only thing, virtually every possible holiday or celebration has been tainted, and where they can't use an existing one the big businesses will create one [such as 'black Friday'].
Bit like the salvation army and lots of other christian organizations then - Oh and the Sikh temple. It seems fashionable to denigrate Christianity and 'the church' but I see and hear very little of the same vitriol applied to Islam or indeed any other religion [ not in the open anyway ]. Believe or don't believe- that is your right but I must disagree with the belittling of another man's faith - of whatever type.
As for thanksgiving - not being a religious festival - who exactly were the settlers giving thanks to ?
I hate the pathetic commercialism that seems to be rife now but that is hardly a Christmas only thing, virtually every possible holiday or celebration has been tainted, and where they can't use an existing one the big businesses will create one [such as 'black Friday'].

Everyone has the right to their beliefs. When us 3 kids were young our local vicar told my mum that because we didn't go to Sunday School my brother would end up in prison and my sister and I would end up selling ourselves to pay for drug addiction! My mother was livid and threw him out. Then believers wonder why no one wants to go to church any more...
I have no issue with folks having their own beliefs. Up to them.

What pisses me off is when they try and force their beliefs onto others. Currently a procedure adopted by Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses and before that an obsession of Catholics and no doubt many others.

We currently have quite a number of clean cut bicycle riding Mormons in town attempting (unsuccessfully) to persuade the Buddhists to adopt their faith. One has to wonder how Utah would take to an influx of Thai Buddhists preaching the teachings of Buddha.
Bit like the salvation army and lots of other christian organizations then - Oh and the Sikh temple. It seems fashionable to denigrate Christianity and 'the church' but I see and hear very little of the same vitriol applied to Islam or indeed any other religion [ not in the open anyway ]. Believe or don't believe- that is your right but I must disagree with the belittling of another man's faith - of whatever type.
As for thanksgiving - not being a religious festival - who exactly were the settlers giving thanks to ?
I hate the pathetic commercialism that seems to be rife now but that is hardly a Christmas only thing, virtually every possible holiday or celebration has been tainted, and where they can't use an existing one the big businesses will create one [such as 'black Friday'].
Celebrations of Winter solstice pre-dated Christianity. Christians subsumed the pagan festival and renamed it Christmas. So I just regard it as a pagan celebration!
I have no issue with folks having their own beliefs. Up to them.

What pisses me off is when they try and force their beliefs onto others. Currently a procedure adopted by Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses and before that an obsession of Catholics and no doubt many others.

We currently have quite a number of clean cut bicycle riding Mormons in town attempting (unsuccessfully) to persuade the Buddhists to adopt their faith. One has to wonder how Utah would take to an influx of Thai Buddhists preaching the teachings of Buddha.

Also the fact that some use their faith to excuse racism and homophobia.
Celebrations of Winter solstice pre-dated Christianity. Christians subsumed the pagan festival and renamed it Christmas. So I just regard it as a pagan celebration!

As the "Silly Moo" once said "I can understand that there was no room at the Inn - everywhere's busy at Christmas".
I have no issue with folks having their own beliefs. Up to them.

What pisses me off is when they try and force their beliefs onto others. Currently a procedure adopted by Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses and before that an obsession of Catholics and no doubt many others.

In fairness, we English have been just as guilty of that in the past - the Crusades, Henry VIII, The Victorians to name but a few.
What pisses me off is when they try and force their beliefs onto others.
No they don't - you at quite at liberty to simply walk away or just say "no - not interested" and close the door. Or if you have a little time to spare, if you know your facts [not simply hand me down stories] confuse and refute their arguments - it is not usually difficult.
Also the fact that some use their faith to excuse racism and homophobia.
Some use kitchen knives to commit murder - should they be banned or maybe anybody with a full set of knives should be regarded as dangerous Further the most heinous acts of both were carried out in the second world war and that had no 'faith' backing it up.
Celebrations of Winter solstice pre-dated Christianity. Christians subsumed the pagan festival and renamed it Christmas. So I just regard it as a pagan celebration!
Old one - 1 - Christmas is NOT on the winter solstice [check the dates] 2 - Christmas is Christmas [the clue is in the name] If you wish to worship the old pagan gods by all means do so but call your festival by whatever name it may be and have fun.
My final word - unless one is prepared to stand up at the next hindu Sikh or islamic festival and ridicule it and those that believe then I sense a note of hypocrisy.
PS several of their celebrations coincide with so called pagan festivals too.
No they don't - you at quite at liberty to simply walk away or just say "no - not interested" and close the door.

Yes they do! Why are they knocking on my door then? What do they want? I don't knock on their door and try to explain to them that they're talking complete nonsense!
In fairness, we English have been just as guilty of that in the past - the Crusades, Henry VIII, The Victorians to name but a few.

Not forgetting the Spanish Inquisition, of course. And the missionaries in Africa.
Mormon on a bike!

Yes, nearly collided with 1 last year because he didn't have any lights on his bike, I advised him to get some lights or even a high-viz jacket because I doubt God would be much use if the guy was laid out in A&E afte being hit by a car. Didn't mean to sound rude or disrespectful but he angered me with his attitude of riding a bike down the middle of a road in the dark with no lights or cycle helmet and he didn't seem to care! Not an accident I would want to witness.
As for thanksgiving - not being a religious festival - who exactly were the settlers giving thanks to ?
Their god, the Indians that saved them and the god's of the Indians that saved them from starvation. After their first years crops all failed. Not a turkey in sight, so they say.

Didn't they teach you anything in school?

Where does "Mary had a little lamb" come into this?
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