The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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There's a lot of more 'accurate' history we are not taught, or is not taught in schools. it is written to reflect what the politicians think should be taught at present., nothing more.
Indeed - the whole concept of 'history' is flawed and biased. The very fact that the word is singular implies there is only one true account. Many 'true histories' have been suppressed or have never been recorded.
To be fair one man's flawed and biased is another man's truth and hindsight is a wonderful thing. We can't put 21st century values on 17th -18th [or any other] century people - their world was a different place and usually much harder and shorter. There is no black and white and no clear cuts
Indeed - the whole concept of 'history' is flawed and biased. The very fact that the word is singular implies there is only one true account. Many 'true histories' have been suppressed or have never been recorded.

When this whole brexit hoo ha kicked off, on the news some folks were claiming that our brave boys gave their lives to keep this country British, funny, I though it was to keep this country free from oppression :scratchhead:
When this whole brexit hoo ha kicked off, on the news some folks were claiming that our brave boys gave their lives to keep this country British, funny, I though it was to keep this country free from oppression :scratchhead:
Tell that to the Irish that served in the British Army. In both World Wars, along with every other nationality that served alongside those from these shores.

I lost ancestors in both, as well as the Korean Conflict(never a war).
To be fair one man's flawed and biased is another man's truth and hindsight is a wonderful thing. We can't put 21st century values on 17th -18th [or any other] century people - their world was a different place and usually much harder and shorter. There is no black and white and no clear cuts
I was only looking as far as the 20th century
I'm definitely having a chronic crumpet craving crisis! Do Aldi sell Warburton's crumpets I wonder...
Make your own, it's easy and they taste wonderful. just make sure you reheat them after they cool and don't try eating them freshly made. they taste better reheated for some reason.

Goes off to add crumpet rings to pastry brush for things needed in the kitchen...
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