Purchased our tree today, Australian style. take your 4x4 into that field or that field there and find a tree. call me when you what it and I'll come and cut it down. follow back to shed (very large structure here) and it gets netted.
I'll post a picture tomorrow after I've been Christmas shopping in the Capital.
And the only other exciting news is that yesterday my broody chook found a brown snake in the chook house and attacked it! her and the 2 chicks are safe. not sure what happened to the brown snake, it was over 1 m long but had gone by the time I got to the chook house! no photos... no chance
Christmas puddings still need to be cooked because my request for something with a tight fitting lid to cook them in, air tight was the specific request, resulted in an Australian baine-marie.
I suppose it met the description but I had indicated that the pudding basins didn't have lids and was showed him what I was after... I'll try again tomorrow in town. then I'll adhoc it if needed!
Oh and I'm freezing today, it's dropped to 16C, due to be 12C overnight and I've had to sit under a blanket from around 18C at 6:30pm onwards. it's due to be our hottest day yet on Christmas day. 33C. it's weird it being December and summer. I can't get my head around it.