The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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It used to be like that here. But not now. The only bit where it matters 'money wise' now is inheritance tax. If you are married you get the lot, tax free (assuming its been left to you). If not then you pay tax on everything over a certain amount. In my case, there is not much chance it will be above that certain amount! Even if it was, I doubt I'd be prepared to go through legal ceremonies and claptrap. Ok... well I might if it were millions. :laugh::laugh:
Marriage doesn't help the rich.
Here are two examples of where there was a huge difference between married and single.
Guy made 34,000. He was single. The secretary that had done his withholding form had put him married with 2 kids. He only noticed an increase in his paycheck for the same hours at the same pay. He wound up owing the IRS $900. It would have been more but luckily he only worked there the last 3 months of the year. (Yes, he squawked about his paycheck once he got the withholding fixed.)
Another couple made $12,000. Together they stood to get about $600 back. Well the woman decided she didn't want his ex-wife to get the money the government owed her so she figured she would file as single.
Well turns out it was give his ex-wife the $600 or pay the IRS another $300.
They decided the ex could have the money for child support he owed.
We don't celebrate it, it just so happens to be on his birth certificate, just not on mine because I was born and registered in another country (minor technicality with the UK being various different countries!).

So, do you want to guess what my 20th wedding anniversary present is then?
I just know that most men I know don't know their parent's birthdays.

What did you get?
So, do you want to guess what my 20th wedding anniversary present is then?

Dunno. I can't imagine celebrating civil/religious ceremonies. Its just off my radar. Does your OH remember to get a present?

I must confess though, that I have a get together with my 'special friend' every year around the end of December. But that is because its when we first got together so to speak! My 'special friend' isn't the one who lives with me here. :whistling:
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The shop came to take my stoep chair away yesterday for refurbishment. They left me a replacement until the original is returned. Which is nice.

Arrived back just now. Excellent service.

refurbished chair s.jpg

New straps, sanded down and re-varnished.
Personally I think it completely bonkers to sign up to any religion, let alone get married (which I also consider to be a strange idea). If you want to be with someone then be with them. Who needs all that romantic and/or religious sh*t and ceremony? Of course, my sentiments don't help at all where your brother and mother are concerned. If he were my son I would be quite upset too. But perhaps not for the same reasons.
If you do not agree with someone's choice of belief or decisions on their choice of commitment to another person then - fine say so but please avoid obscenities and unpleasant vitriol in support of what at best can only be your opinion.
As for the OP I must admit I find it odd that he has chosen islam - a persons faith [or apparently sh-t] is entirely their own affair but I do wonder if many who 'convert' have actually studied [and here's the biggi, tried to understand] their own or other faiths.
To marry is a little more than a religious thing - it involves having the nerve to stand in front of witnesses and state clearly an intention to remain faithful to one person not some vague 'oh it seems a good idea at the mo let's shack up together' - there may well be children involved at some point and they must be supported. There are way too many families who split because it just isn't as 'cool' as it seemed it might be and being tied down is a drag. Please note I am NOT saying people should remain together whatever the circumstances just that adults should be prepared to take some serious responsibility and life is not always roses and joy and parties. As a teenager have fun - boyfriends girlfriends what ever but later either make a decision to be singe and free [fine] or make a definite commitment [fine] if you decide to commit what is the problem with stating such before witnesses ? And if you choose to make that commitment in some form of religious ceremony what gives anyone else the right to decry it ?
Responsibility is something way too many seem to think is 'someone else's problem'.
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