The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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We don't celebrate it, it just so happens to be on his birth certificate, just not on mine because I was born and registered in another country (minor technicality with the UK being various different countries!).

So, do you want to guess what my 20th wedding anniversary present is then?

Come on then, don"t keep us in suspense
Merry Christmas everyone...

He's bought 2 tickets to go and see Rogue One at the cinema in Canberra.
He proudly told me he had decided to treat us and upgraded the tickets to better chairs! great except for the fact I don't actually know how you upgrade a hole for a wheelchair! I guess I find out in a couple of days!
And it's a fantastic starry night here. so many millions of starts and it's so clear now the thunderstorm had passed. 39mm feel in the space of an hour whilst we were driving home from the do. it was interesting whilst we were in the concrete jungle of a city, even one as green as Canberra.
And it's a fantastic starry night here. so many millions of starts and it's so clear now the thunderstorm had passed. 39mm feel in the space of an hour whilst we were driving home from the do. it was interesting whilst we were in the concrete jungle of a city, even one as green as Canberra.
So how did the socialising go?
If you do not agree with someone's choice of belief or decisions on their choice of commitment to another person then - fine say so but please avoid obscenities and unpleasant vitriol in support of what at best can only be your opinion.
As for the OP I must admit I find it odd that he has chosen islam - a persons faith [or apparently sh-t] is entirely their own affair but I do wonder if many who 'convert' have actually studied [and here's the biggi, tried to understand] their own or other faiths.
To marry is a little more than a religious thing - it involves having the nerve to stand in front of witnesses and state clearly an intention to remain faithful to one person not some vague 'oh it seems a good idea at the mo let's shack up together' - there may well be children involved at some point and they must be supported. There are way too many families who split because it just isn't as 'cool' as it seemed it might be and being tied down is a drag. Please note I am NOT saying people should remain together whatever the circumstances just that adults should be prepared to take some serious responsibility and life is not always roses and joy and parties. As a teenager have fun - boyfriends girlfriends what ever but later either make a decision to be singe and free [fine] or make a definite commitment [fine] if you decide to commit what is the problem with stating such before witnesses ? And if you choose to make that commitment in some form of religious ceremony what gives anyone else the right to decry it ?
Responsibility is something way too many seem to think is 'someone else's problem'.
Well now being a stupid teenager I got married way too young to a man that was not at all what he seemed. Turned out he was a liar, thief, cheat and as I found out later worse than all those.
Oh and he also told me I was too young to know anything about money. (When I saw how he did his banking I didn't argue and was glad I wasn't on the bank account. ) Needless to say I left him as soon as possible. Though I have to say that his parents were and his mom still is some of the greatest people I have ever met.

Oh and hey you are right about life not being a bed of roses, well it might be but there are times when it is more thorns than roses.
As for the OP I must admit I find it odd that he has chosen islam - a persons faith [or apparently sh-t] is entirely their own affair but I do wonder if many who 'convert' have actually studied [and here's the biggi, tried to understand] their own or other faiths
This isn't aimed directly at you @sidevalve but merely answers your direct question and that of others unspoken

In order to live together, be together or even marry, my brother has to convert to Islam. he wants a relationship with her. he wants and she wants more than they can have outside of marriage by her faith. we were raised CofE, christened by our uncle on our real fathers side whose wife was my godmother and remained in contact with me (largely) over the years. our mothers family are Methodist. both sets of parents (2nd marriage here) are quite strict Methodist.

The fact he is willing to do this for her, seeing how happy he is with her, just being around her, after nearly 20 years of hateful marriage, bitter rows, separate everything right down to shopping trolleys and eating separately in the same house, is wonderful. converting to Islam is no simple matter. you can't just attend a mosque for a few months, marry, then stop going. he is happy for the first time since he married aged 20 and it isn't a short lived affair either.

Our mothers main concern seems to have been more around circumcision than anything else, something actually not required only our mother has neither asked him or actually bothered researching it. our mother and step father have very little exposure to Muslims in their lives and hence believes everything seen on the news and in newspapers about Islam. my brother and I have frequently worked with them and have as such had much more exposure. my brother currently lives, and has done for nearly 2 decades in a Muslim community. we have a much more realistic view and know what is portrayed in the media is only the bad side, much like the troubles in northern Ireland which are still going on, but can not be reported on in the news because of a news black out. Islam is the current in thing to report hence our parents only hear the bad stuff. yet our mother readily accepts the Israeli Palestinian issues because of the Jews in our family. go figure.
In order to live together, be together or even marry, my brother has to convert to Islam. he wants a relationship with her. he wants and she wants more than they can have outside of marriage by her faith. we were raised CofE, christened by our uncle on our real fathers side whose wife was my godmother and remained in contact with me (largely) over the years. our mothers family are Methodist. both sets of parents (2nd marriage here) are quite strict Methodist.
Just a question really: What would happen if they were to live together? Or if they had a civil wedding ceremony? Would her family dispossess her or worse?
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This isn't aimed directly at you @sidevalve but merely answers your direct question and that of others unspoken

In order to live together, be together or even marry, my brother has to convert to Islam. he wants a relationship with her. he wants and she wants more than they can have outside of marriage by her faith. we were raised CofE, christened by our uncle on our real fathers side whose wife was my godmother and remained in contact with me (largely) over the years. our mothers family are Methodist. both sets of parents (2nd marriage here) are quite strict Methodist.

The fact he is willing to do this for her, seeing how happy he is with her, just being around her, after nearly 20 years of hateful marriage, bitter rows, separate everything right down to shopping trolleys and eating separately in the same house, is wonderful. converting to Islam is no simple matter. you can't just attend a mosque for a few months, marry, then stop going. he is happy for the first time since he married aged 20 and it isn't a short lived affair either.

Our mothers main concern seems to have been more around circumcision than anything else, something actually not required only our mother has neither asked him or actually bothered researching it. our mother and step father have very little exposure to Muslims in their lives and hence believes everything seen on the news and in newspapers about Islam. my brother and I have frequently worked with them and have as such had much more exposure. my brother currently lives, and has done for nearly 2 decades in a Muslim community. we have a much more realistic view and know what is portrayed in the media is only the bad side, much like the troubles in northern Ireland which are still going on, but can not be reported on in the news because of a news black out. Islam is the current in thing to report hence our parents only hear the bad stuff. yet our mother readily accepts the Israeli Palestinian issues because of the Jews in our family. go figure.
None of my business question but I have to ask, is your brother circumcised? Most but not all Christian boys in the US are. I know nothing of the Islamic religion so just curious.
Oh and for the record my son is but his dad approved it and signed the papers. I sure didn't. I saw no medical reason to hurt a child like that.
None of my business question but I have to ask, is your brother circumcised? Most but not all Christian boys in the US are. I know nothing of the Islamic religion so just curious.
Oh and for the record my son is but his dad approved it and signed the papers. I sure didn't. I saw no medical reason to hurt a child like that.
Don't get me going on that one!!! Lets just say that I agree with you.

Goodnight everyone. it's still 30C inside, 27C outside, dark for a while now... hopefully the temperature will cool down a tad before long. looking forward to St Stephen's Day breakfast. we will be breaking into the Christmas Cake for breakfast. lunch will be Christmas pudding and chocolate ice cream again... too hot for anything else! breakfast on the veranda in the cool, lunch inside in the cool... evening meal is anyone's guess!
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