This isn't aimed directly at you
@sidevalve but merely answers your direct question and that of others unspoken
In order to live together, be together or even marry, my brother has to convert to Islam. he wants a relationship with her. he wants and she wants more than they can have outside of marriage by her faith. we were raised CofE, christened by our uncle on our real fathers side whose wife was my godmother and remained in contact with me (largely) over the years. our mothers family are Methodist. both sets of parents (2nd marriage here) are quite strict Methodist.
The fact he is willing to do this for her, seeing how happy he is with her, just being around her, after nearly 20 years of hateful marriage, bitter rows, separate everything right down to shopping trolleys and eating separately in the same house, is wonderful. converting to Islam is no simple matter. you can't just attend a mosque for a few months, marry, then stop going. he is happy for the first time since he married aged 20 and it isn't a short lived affair either.
Our mothers main concern seems to have been more around circumcision than anything else, something actually
not required only our mother has neither asked him or actually bothered researching it. our mother and step father have very little exposure to Muslims in their lives and hence believes everything seen on the news and in newspapers about Islam. my brother and I have frequently worked with them and have as such had much more exposure. my brother currently lives, and has done for nearly 2 decades in a Muslim community. we have a much more realistic view and know what is portrayed in the media is only the bad side, much like the troubles in northern Ireland which are still going on, but can not be reported on in the news because of a news black out. Islam is the current in thing to report hence our parents only hear the bad stuff. yet our mother readily accepts the Israeli Palestinian issues because of the Jews in our family. go figure.