The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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The rules here are somewhat peculiar. If you are married to a Thai and/or responsible for a Thai child then you are permitted to stay in Thailand on a year by year basis (plus confirm your address every 90 days). For this permission you are required to have either an external income or monies in the bank amounting to c. US$ 13,000.00. If you are retired (50 years old or over) you are permitted to stay (but not work - not even voluntarily) on condition that you have an income of or monies in the bank of c. US$ 26,000.00. (the confirmation of address every 90 days also). There are also business, student and working "visas" and probably others of which I am unaware.

Also, as "aliens" we are required to report any overnight stay at other than our registered address within 24 hours, and thereafter report your return to your registered address if relevant. The owner of the establishment or house where you stay also has to register that an "alien" is residing there.

Luckily the beer and diesel are cheap.
Blimey! :eek: Mind you, there are some in the UK (and no doubt the US) who would probably welcome such a system!
I didn't think rogue one was a good as everyone aid it was personally. I enjoyed it, it was a good film but it wasn't the wonderful film that the reviews had lead me to believe. guess I need to read different reviews from now on.

One a different note, Richard Adams died during the week as well. I cried for days over Watership Down when I first read it. I have an old copy of it somewhere which I must dog out again. it is years since I last read it. Anyone read it recently?
I didn't think rogue one was a good as everyone aid it was personally. I enjoyed it, it was a good film but it wasn't the wonderful film that the reviews had lead me to believe. guess I need to read different reviews from now on.

One a different note, Richard Adams died during the week as well. I cried for days over Watership Down when I first read it. I have an old copy of it somewhere which I must dog out again. it is years since I last read it. Anyone read it recently?
I planted some of those trees you see getting blown up/blasted in Rogue One.
Just wanted to say thanks. I just read a "cookbook" by a British guy and didn't have to look anything up.
Thanks for teaching me British cooking terms.
The book was "Cooking for Numpties: My Culinary Voyage"
I am guessing Numpties meant novices.
Just wanted to say thanks. I just read a "cookbook" by a British guy and didn't have to look anything up.
Thanks for teaching me British cooking terms.
The book was "Cooking for Numpties: My Culinary Voyage"
I am guessing Numpties meant novices.
Not quite, and suprised someone would use it in the title of a book.

Can be quite offensive in parts of the country.
I got given another cookbook today. my husband bless him, hid it behind the other cookbooks in the TV unit. I cleaned the unit yesterday, spotting an escaped book I put it back. had he not have said anything I would have continued with the nagging doubt that it was one I got for Christmas despite not remembering any of them being a hardback... n as it was, he said something. of course I personally would have just wrapped the thing in the first place!
Just wanted to say thanks. I just read a "cookbook" by a British guy and didn't have to look anything up.
Thanks for teaching me British cooking terms.
The book was "Cooking for Numpties: My Culinary Voyage"
I am guessing Numpties meant novices.
Means idiots - bit like the old "windows for dummies" guides etc. After all a title that reads "cooking for people that make silly mistakes and need a bit of advice" doesn't really have the same ring to it. Not really a major insult just a made up word - never met anyone who would be seriously insulted
This morning we popped into Sainsburys, the car is now back in the garage and won't come back out again until at least Monday.
Just wanted to say thanks. I just read a "cookbook" by a British guy and didn't have to look anything up.
Thanks for teaching me British cooking terms.
The book was "Cooking for Numpties: My Culinary Voyage"
I am guessing Numpties meant novices.
Take numpties to mean dummies as in the 'xxxxx for Dummies' range of books.
Numpty is a chiefly Scottish term, implying general idiocy. Etymology is uncertain, but most sources suggest the obsolete word nump or numps, meaing stupid person.

There is also the bampot, who is also an idiot, though in general bampots are more likely to be dangerous idiots whereas the numpty is usually harmless. Thus neds and jaikies are more likely to be bampots than numpties.

Further note: a ned is the Scottish equivalent of the English chav. Jaikies tend towards the alcoholic end of the ned spectrum.
Means idiots - bit like the old "windows for dummies" guides etc. After all a title that reads "cooking for people that make silly mistakes and need a bit of advice" doesn't really have the same ring to it. Not really a major insult just a made up word - never met anyone who would be seriously insulted
There are several Cooking for Dummies books. The other day in the thrift store another lady and I saw one of the Computers for Dummies books. We both thought about it until we looked at the copyright date. It was over 10 years old.
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