I like rule 36 -- Rule 36: There will always be more *#$^%@ up $#!T than what you just saw.

Id gladly swap ya.Only 88F/31C here today, because it is overcast and rainy. It was sunny and 97F/36C yesterday, with a heat index of 102F/39C.
They are now talking about taking the remaining building down very, very carefully, but quite expeditiously. At minimum, depending on track Elsa takes, we are going to get tropical storm conditions. Wind and rain and that building's instability do not make for a good scenario.
What's really worrisome is all the activity following Elsa, especially the 1 right behind her.
I was just talking about short term. Africa seems to be popping them out like bunnies.The predictions range from 13 to 20 named storms this year. We're already on number five, and it is early in the season.
We're due to fly into Orlando Wednesday.What's really worrisome is all the activity following Elsa, especially the 1 right behind her.
This should come as zero surprise to anyone, but there is a XXX-rated version of "Sims" out there, at least according to Google. I'm sure it is not properly licensed, but you know somebody had to make it.
We're due to fly into Orlando Wednesday.![]()
I like the first image. The young woman has obviously lost her contact lens and is on all fours searching for it, while her friend is assisting by holding onto her hips from behind to steady her. So helpful!Found this - not sure if you can view it in the USA or elsewhere (should you want to!)
Sims 4 computer game gets seriously X-rated sex update
They have stopped work at the collapsed building because they have decided to take down the part still standing. Work is supposed to start tomorrow.