The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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You wouldn't want the tree spirits causing mischief for the rest of the year, would you!
We didn't put up a tree. Our flat is not big enough but we put some 'old school' paper chains around the ceiling. It was my friend's idea and I really don't know where he got them from. Much licking is required.:laugh: They come in strips and you hoop them up together and have to lick the paper to stick them.
We didn't put up a tree. Our flat is not big enough but we put some 'old school' paper chains around the ceiling. It was my friend's idea and I really don't know where he got them from. Much licking is required.:laugh: They come in strips and you hoop them up together and have to lick the paper to stick them.

I remember doing that at school, bet they still taste icky.
We didn't put up a tree. Our flat is not big enough but we put some 'old school' paper chains around the ceiling. It was my friend's idea and I really don't know where he got them from. Much licking is required.:laugh: They come in strips and you hoop them up together and have to lick the paper to stick them.

I remember doing that at school, bet they still taste icky.

You don't have to lick them : you can achieve the same result by dabbng a little water with your finger.
I just got a "mom you don't need to give me your suggestion, I know what you are going to say."
She got the two sentences backwards when I asked her what I was going to say, but the gist was correct.
You wouldn't want the tree spirits causing mischief for the rest of the year, would you!
they have a big enough sense of humour around here without help. They deposit high fire risk leaves (eucalyptus) constantly on the garden and lawn, and now they are throwing even higher fire risk bark at us!
All of it has to be constantly removed from the lawn and the guttering. My OH is not impressed and is seriously considering getting a blower to collect them all with - I have suggested we go back to our old tactic of using the lawn mover with the clipping collector on the back (at the moment it is set to mulch mode to retain moisture but that is all long since gone) and use that instead. This is simply because whilst he has been on leave for 2 weeks he took over racking up the leaves. I have been doing it every day since we moved in back in July! Didn't matter when I was doing it and I will have to restart when he goes back to work on Monday. Right now there are more leaves than grass and as for the gutters - well they have only been done twice in the last 2 weeks. Wait til I mention that they need doing again, today! He's soon invent something he can drag through the gutter to clear them rather than only managing an arms length at a time before the very heavy ladders need moving again...

We didn't put up a tree. Our flat is not big enough but we put some 'old school' paper chains around the ceiling. It was my friend's idea and I really don't know where he got them from. Much licking is required.:laugh: They come in strips and you hoop them up together and have to lick the paper to stick them.
Our last place was too small for a tree, so I had a photo of one from years ago that we would put up on the wall instead. And those paper chains - been around a very long time. I can remember the ones my mother bought when I was born. We were still putting them up when my sister and brother were born over 17 years later. She only got rid of them when I told her I didn't want them when she insisted that I have the glass baubles that she bought when I was born. Giving me them a few years earlier when I needed some and was setting up our own decorations would have been fantastic but she waited until we had purchased a very nice set for our needs and several years later gave them to us. Needless to say the ones that she bought at the beginning of the 70s don't match or even work with the ones I purchased with my husband in the early 90s which we are still using today. they go back into storage today sadly! :cry:
Just gone to pick up my tablet to find it at 3% battery life. putting it on charge my husband comments 'that's what the noise was earlier'. efff blind efffffff efffffff you get the idea. why didn't he check? there was only one piece of electronic equipment on the table where the noise came from, but it wasn't his so didn't matter... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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