The General Chat Thread (2023)

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I'm really sorry to hear this.

Welcome to my world. I'm trying hard right now to ignore the "what's next"... we're back in wrist issues...
I wish we had something else in common :hug: this isn't the most fun thing to share, I wish you would be better off.

The rheumatologist just let me know that there is no other option available currently, meds wise, because the meds used for Reuma are largely the same as for Crohns and I've also exhausted most of those options.

My drs are sending me to a pain specialism recovery centre to help me walk etc in a way that will minimise pain. This is a place usually used for the recovery of people who have had cancer, or been in an accident or something. But my doctors believe I've done everything I can , and because I am not abusing my pain meds and they see I really need help still they're sending me there because there's nothing else they can still do meds or treatment wise. I'm looking forward to it, that's exactly what I need!
*not my husband - don't believe in marriage, as is well documented elsewhere! :D Not so much here, but in day to day life I get really annoyed at the assumption that Steve (who I live with and support as a carer) is my husband. It is similar to the intense annoyance I had when pregnant when being continually referred to as 'Mum' by medical staff.
Well I kind of understand and kind of don’t.
I didn‘t want to get married or change my name, I didn’t consider it anything more than a piece of paper and they don’t hold relationships together. I wasn’t fussed one way or the other if people thought we were married, I had felt no need to correct them or justify why not, if they had a problem with it, it was just that - their problem.

I got married in the end simply because my husband wanted to, I wasn’t really bothered either way because as I said I considered it a piece of paper but if it didn’t make any difference to me then why deny that to your other half if it’s something they want.
He said do you want to get married when you come home from uni next week, I said ok, I was home 3 days and we married, it was no biggy.

What I will say is I didn’t expect it to make any difference and it did. It made life easier legally and back when I was young (oh so very long ago, wistfully looks out of window..) you were still considered fair game if you weren’t married.
As soon as I put a wedding ring on a man would see the ring, say “You’re married?” and when I said yes they’d (mostly) leave me in peace, sometimes some of the ruder beggers would ask how long, there were no follow up questions, they were very plainly just weighing up their chances 😆
Anyway mainly I‘ve found it beneficial.

Also I married into a rather unpleasant family. My husband is really lovely but his family are money mad, they completely worship the stuff. If anything happened to Mr SSOAP and I wasn’t clearly legally named on things they would take it. And as you know when it comes to the law you only get the justice you can afford.
Mr SSOAP‘s motivations were partly to try and protect me if anything happened to him, getting married meant he didn’t have to fight his family to put my name on anything.

Now I don’t wear a wedding ring because I find rings annoying, especially under mobike gloves when your holding a grip for a long time they dig in and callous your hand, no thanks!
What I will say is I didn’t expect it to make any difference and it did. It made life easier legally and back when I was young (oh so very long ago, wistfully looks out of window..) you were still considered fair game if you weren’t married.
As soon as I put a wedding ring on a man would see the ring, say “You’re married?” and when I said yes they’d (mostly) leave me in peace, sometimes some of the ruder beggers would ask how long, there were no follow up questions, they were very plainly just weighing up their chances 😆
Anyway mainly I‘ve found it beneficial.

I'm guessing I'm a deal older than you but never found this to be an issue. 🤷‍♀️ Maybe I just liked the attention.:D

Also I married into a rather unpleasant family. My husband is really lovely but his family are money mad, they completely worship the stuff. If anything happened to Mr SSOAP and I wasn’t clearly legally named on things they would take it. And as you know when it comes to the law you only get the justice you can afford.

Oddly enough, it was financially beneficial not to be married back in the day when you could claim independent tax relief in the UK unless you were married. Now all tax is independently assessed so it makes no difference. Back then, my then partner and I both claimed single persons tax relief. It would have cost us money to be married.

As far as money and the law goes, in the UK a will is a will and if the person making it is in sound mind and its properly witnessed there is not much any court can do about it. I'm not sure your parents in law could have any grounds at all to contest it.

There is only one financial area in which being married still counts in the UK and that is inheritance tax. If the value of your estate is below the £325,000 threshold there is no inheritance tax to pay. If married there is no inheritance tax however much you leave to your spouse. In my case my assets are certainly not up to the £325.000 threshold!
I'm guessing I'm a deal older than you but never found this to be an issue. 🤷‍♀️ Maybe I just liked the attention.:D
As far as money and the law goes, in the UK a will is a will and if the person making it is in sound mind and its properly witnessed there is not much any court can do about it. I'm not sure your parents in law could have any grounds at all to contest it.

TLDR It’s not that simple with some folk!

I’m guessing you have straightforward arrangements.
I’m afraid you are mistaken about how very wealthy people like my in laws amass and hold onto assets and money, they do not care about what is right or what the law is, they usually consider themselves above it, a will cannot protect you from these sorts.

All it takes is one person to contest the will for whatever reason and you are in court potentially forever but in reality until the lawyers have stuffed their pockets with the majority of the estate and you are out of cash. It can go on for years.
Rich people with deep pockets have extremely clever and powerful barristers at their disposal whenever they really need or want it, in my husbands families case they use the same firm that the govt keeps on a retainer.
They are the most impressive sharks I have ever encountered. When one of them looked me dead in the eye I physically shuddered, I wasn’t looking at a human as I understand them, more like a terminator!

I would in comparison be able to afford the local numpties for a short time who look like they still buy their shirts in the school uniform section of the supermarket 😂
They understand you don’t have the resources and will be outgunned n battered into a corner where you agree a deal that suits them which they consider a good win, or they just keep going until they win regardless of the money because winning is as important as money to these types, the ego’s are immense, the law is a game to them.

To ensure anyone who marries into a wealthy family has as little of the assets as possible it’s standard practice to make sure the family have their name tangled up in everything. Just for example by way of a small money gift at the start of any new business venture or a change in direction or even simply buying a house.
It is marked on the accounts as a ‘loan‘ but it is not repaid because it was given as a gift - that bits not documented so if anything happens it’s easy to argue in court that they rightfully should have a percentage of the business or investment proportional to the size of the initial loan and the value of the business when it started. All they need is some clever dick to prove the business was only worth the same or less than the loan at the start and hey presto they are owed the majority of that asset.
They have other tactics and I could go on but basically it’s a minefield. It’s why rich people are always in court, they know the angles and have money.

Getting married was definitely a good idea on Mr SSOAPs part, I’m glad he grasped things so early on while I wandered about blissfully naive but I have now seen it happen with my own eyes twice!!

We have worked hard to legally disentangle ourselves from them but honestly that’s not easy and there’s never any certainty that it’s enough!
We have 2 kids and an enduring power of attorney on each other here. My wife and I. Our kids get 50% each.
Our home is worth 800k and we have investments of 200k plus.
Our kids dont need our money but I've been thinking of looking after the grandkids.
My nana died before my granddad. My grandad remarried and his new wife left him the day that she could get half. So his will was split 33% each to
Out daughter
Red cross
Mum got a few small things.
I wonder what happened to his 39 chev master??


TLDR It’s not that simple with some folk!

I’m guessing you have straightforward arrangements.
I’m afraid you are mistaken about how very wealthy people like my in laws amass and hold onto assets and money, they do not care about what is right or what the law is, they usually consider themselves above it, a will cannot protect you from these sorts.

All it takes is one person to contest the will for whatever reason and you are in court potentially forever but in reality until the lawyers have stuffed their pockets with the majority of the estate and you are out of cash. It can go on for years.
Rich people with deep pockets have extremely clever and powerful barristers at their disposal whenever they really need or want it, in my husbands families case they use the same firm that the govt keeps on a retainer.
They are the most impressive sharks I have ever encountered. When one of them looked me dead in the eye I physically shuddered, I wasn’t looking at a human as I understand them, more like a terminator!

I would in comparison be able to afford the local numpties for a short time who look like they still buy their shirts in the school uniform section of the supermarket 😂
They understand you don’t have the resources and will be outgunned n battered into a corner where you agree a deal that suits them which they consider a good win, or they just keep going until they win regardless of the money because winning is as important as money to these types, the ego’s are immense, the law is a game to them.

To ensure anyone who marries into a wealthy family has as little of the assets as possible it’s standard practice to make sure the family have their name tangled up in everything. Just for example by way of a small money gift at the start of any new business venture or a change in direction or even simply buying a house.
It is marked on the accounts as a ‘loan‘ but it is not repaid because it was given as a gift - that bits not documented so if anything happens it’s easy to argue in court that they rightfully should have a percentage of the business or investment proportional to the size of the initial loan and the value of the business when it started. All they need is some clever dick to prove the business was only worth the same or less than the loan at the start and hey presto they are owed the majority of that asset.
They have other tactics and I could go on but basically it’s a minefield. It’s why rich people are always in court, they know the angles and have money.

Getting married was definitely a good idea on Mr SSOAPs part, I’m glad he grasped things so early on while I wandered about blissfully naive but I have now seen it happen with my own eyes twice!!

We have worked hard to legally disentangle ourselves from them but honestly that’s not easy and there’s never any certainty that it’s enough!
OK. I believe you. The situation sounds ghastly. Its just that I never encountered anyone like your in-laws and I suppose I'm naive regarding these things.

Yeah, its all straightforward for me really. Not much in assets so simple.
OK. I believe you. The situation sounds ghastly. Its just that I never encountered anyone like your in-laws and I suppose I'm naive regarding these things.

Yeah, its all straightforward for me really. Not much in assets so simple.
Yer well I wouldn’t wish any of it on anyone and wish I knew nothing of it, it’s all a bit twisted!
I saw this yesterday. Seems global warming has been a concern to scientists for longer than I thought.


They knew a lot about this back then, also because it's part of observing the environment for threats, like a sick making river etc.
I don't know why they started bragging about this in the 70's, but I guess because most people were more interested in a warm home, rather than saving coal.
I heard a scientist saying weather records have only been taken in the last 50 years.
So there is no overall records beyond that. He also stated the witkd weather patterns go on a 20 year cycle.
Another item I saw pics of 100 years ago and today . The shore lines were exactly the same.
Just looking from the other side.
Remember the 70s scare about running out of fuel. Pure bunk.

I heard a scientist saying weather records have only been taken in the last 50 years.
So there is no overall records beyond that. He also stated the witkd weather patterns go on a 20 year cycle.
Another item I saw pics of 100 years ago and today . The shore lines were exactly the same.
Just looking from the other side.
Remember the 70s scare about running out of fuel. Pure bunk.


97 percent of climate scientists say that global warming is real, and we are causing it. Three percent disagree. That's the "other side."

The last time the Earth was as hot as it is now was 125,000 years ago. It took about 10,000 years for the Earth to reach that high temperature. This time, it has taken about 100 years.

To understand what is happening, the only thing you have to grasp is "the greenhouse effect."


I heard a scientist saying weather records have only been taken in the last 50 years.
So there is no overall records beyond that. He also stated the witkd weather patterns go on a 20 year cycle.
Another item I saw pics of 100 years ago and today . The shore lines were exactly the same.
Just looking from the other side.
Remember the 70s scare about running out of fuel. Pure bunk.

97 percent of climate scientists say that global warming is real, and we are causing it. Three percent disagree. That's the "other side."

The last time the Earth was as hot as it is now was 125,000 years ago. It took about 10,000 years for the Earth to reach that high temperature. This time, it has taken about 100 years.

To understand what is happening, the only thing you have to grasp is "the greenhouse effect."



So who took temps 100, 000 years ago??
I knew you would try to debunk me. :)

70s fuel crisis? The company I worked for in late 70 80s .nz had carless days.
Because of the fuel crisis.
Complete myth. In fact whole of nz did. I was exempt. I had 20 guys under me I had to organize.

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