We are seeing record highs in Florida that haven't been seen in 30 to 50 years.
I started diving with Craig when I was in my late 20s. I'm close to hitting my mid 60s. We dove a lot, weather permitting, more often than not both weekend days and all days on long/holiday weekends, and when we took vacation more days of the week than not. We did this consistently to my mid 40s, so about 25 years. We dove at least 1 weekend day year round, except for the coldest times of the year. I remember diving in bathwater/hot tub temperature water in the dog days of summer, i.e. August and September, where it was a relief when you could actually find a cool current of water to swim through, and this was between 30 and 45 feet of water for the most part. For those of you that don't know, the deeper the water gets, the colder it gets unless you end up next to an underwater volcano. Last week, a bouy measured water temperature over 101 F in about 5 feet of water off South Florida. That's really bad because the higher the temp, the lower the oxygen in the water, leading to coral bleaching and fish death. Coral bleaching has not been seen before August or September previously. It is already being seen in the last few weeks here.
If the oceans die, we die eventually.