The General Chat Thread (2023)

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I’d sooner see muscle cars. You can expect that from them. But rodding pick ups? Get a life. My wife calls it Small Man Syndrome
They love to make lots of noise on the street passing in front of our house. We had a guy who lived a few houses down across the street who loved to rev his engine and squeal into his driveway, sometimes late at night. Thank goodness he moved!
I live just off of the busiest street in our town. The only two lane in town so they get to speed up for a good quarter mile before they hit my intersection. At night we can hear the oily bas***ds coming a mile away. Then they step on the gas and feel really cool.

So, if you ever hear on the news that some crazy old guy from Canadiana was taking windows out of passing pick ups it will probably be me. Hopefully I can time it so they swerve off of the road and go through the front door of the McDonald’s. Do everybody a favour.
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I live just off of the busiest street in our town. The only two lane in town so they get to speed up for a good quarter mile before they hit my intersection. At night we can hear the oily bas***ds coming a mile away. Then they step on the gas and feel really cool.

So, if you ever hear on the news that some crazy old guy from Canadiana was taking windows out of passing pick ups it will probably be me. Hopefully I can time it so they swerve off of the road and go through the front door of the McDonald’s. Do everybody a favour.
On a related (yet unrelated) note, I was at a local grocery store a few months ago and the front window of the store was shattered. There was a pickup truck with a smashed front end parked in front of the store with a hysterical woman talking to some policemen and a few employees who were standing outside (one sweeping up glass). I asked someone inside what had happened and was told that the woman had borrowed her boyfriend's pickup truck and when she parked it, she forgot to put it in gear and/or use the parking brake (it was stick shift). It rolled right across the parking lot, which was slightly sloped so it gained momentum, and smashed into the front window. Thankfully no one was hurt. I wonder if those two are still together. I'd be pretty pissed off if I were him.
Craig had Dodge Rams for years because of work and for the same reason as CD, a boat that had to be towed. He had a Ford Bronco before the Rams.

Funny story, sort of because I still get ticked off about part of it even after all these years, I don't remember the year but it had to be mid to late 90s at least, maybe in 2000s. I'm not good with vehicle years. Dodge had just redesigned the look of the front of the Rams to kind of a retro style and Craig had 1 of the new ones, and there weren't many around yet. It also had 1 of those little sliding windows in the back, this will come into play later, twice actually. We also had 1 of those steel diamond storage things that fit across the bed up next to the cab put in. That thing wasn't cheap either.

Less than a month after we bought the truck, Craig didn't come home at the usual time. He'd never not come home as usual without a phone call. Hours later, past our normal bedtime, he's still not home, no phone call, nada. This is long before cell phones were commonplace so there were still payphones everywhere. Of course, I'm freaking out. I called the highway patrol to see if there had been any accidents on the interstate he used to get home, nope. Called the local police department, another nope.

Finally, a little after midnight, he calls. After the usual are you okay, where are you, what happened questions, I find out his boss asked all the guys if they wanted to go to a stripper bar and have some fun, and while he was having FUN with the strippers, his brand new truck was STOLEN. After they dealt with the police, several of them had the bright idea to drive around for a couple of hours trying to see if they could spot the truck. No luck obviously. I was furious of course because he hadn't the common courtesy to call and tell me he was going out with the guys, more on that later. I wasn't particularly pleased about the truck being stolen either, particularly given the circumstances. Then, he asked me to come get him. Mind you, it's after midnight, they'd been driving around for around 2 hours in a search that they should have known wasn't going to be successful, and it's a 45+ minute one way trip to where he's at, the shop, which was not in the greatest neighborhood. I totally lost it at that point. Told him he could sleep at the shop or go home with one of his coworkers or boss, or do whatever he wanted, but there was no way in he// that I was coming to get him after what he had put me through.

Regarding him not calling, this was before I started working from home and my boss had done the same as Craig's, though just to a regular bar, just a few weeks earlier. I called Craig's work but he wasn't back yet so I left a message and asked them to please leave the message somewhere he would be sure to see it if they left before he got back. Well, they didn't, they left it in his normal message box. When I got home about 2.5 hours later than normal, he jumped all over me for being late and not calling because he was so worried, not giving me a chance to talk until he ran out of steam. So, you can understand why I was so angry that he hadn't called.

They found his truck within a week or so. On concrete bocks, no wheels or tires, storage box gone, tools all gone, ignition damaged, but in good shape otherwise, except the little window on the back had been jimmied open and had some damage. The cops said that was probably how they got in. The insurance paid for everything but the deductible, which was about half the cost of his diamond storage box thingy. He said something about replacing the box. My response was save up for it out of your weekly allowance since you obviously have money to burn out of it since you can go to a ...(not very nice terms for breasts and buttocks) bar. We both got same allowance amount each week BTW to be used for lunches, going out after work with friends, mad money, etc.

Then, when he'd had the truck for almost a year, it got broken into again. Remember the shop was not in the greatest neighborhood. One of the guys walked out of the building to smoke and caught a young African American boy head and torso in the cab through the little sliding window. The guys brought him in the shop and called the cops. They arrested him and took him to juvenile. Craig got a notice for court so he went. The kid had a rap sheet a mile long for various kinds of theft. The judge found the kid guilty and sentenced him to some time in juvie, as well as restitution for the cost of fixing the sliding window. At that point, his mother spoke up with I can't afford that, I've got other kids and we're on welfare. So, we got nada.

Learned our lesson, no more trucks with sliding windows and Craig learned that if he expected me to call if late that he'd better do the same.
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Funny story, sort of because I still get ticked off about part of it even after all these years
Just to be clear, I’m not laughing at the stolen truck bit and how worried you were, but more at the double-standard about not calling, and well, any story with a t***y bar in it is going to make me laugh a little.

I had a similar thing happen with a similarly unamused wife regarding an after-work promotion party, way too much booze, way too little food, and the arrival of some…we’ll just say some “fun girls” who had a hard time keeping their clothes on during the festivities. So…been there, slept on the boss’ couch. :wink:
I used the bicycle a lot five years ago. Didn't have much problems with cars, even if traffic is kinda funky here in Berlin. Whenever there was an SUV or anything bigger I feared for my life, streets in Berlin are not ment to be rode with something that big. It's weird what we're fighting over
My son is 5ft 6. He's got a huge Toyota - probably a Tacoma, I don't know. I taught his kid to say "Monster Truck". :eek: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

A Tacoma is a small truck with a 4-cylinder base motor, or a V6 upgrade. Do you get the Toyota Tundra down there. I think it may be North America only. F150 size, and has a 5.7L V8. Made in Texas. A real gas-guzzler. Here is a side by side photo...


streets in Berlin are not ment to be rode with something that big.
That’s something I noticed the last couple of times we were in the UK - the presence of more and more “American-style” large trucks on the roads and how out of place they looked.

When we lived there in the 1990’s, I drove an American Jeep Pioneer - pickup truck with a 7-foot bed:



I had a hard time fitting that thing into parking spaces, negotiating some of the smaller roads, and my British neighbors used to frequently comment about the “massive size of your American motors!”

That’s a toy truck by todays standards. I couldn’t imagine driving some of the vehicles I saw there hogging the roads the last time we drove around there.
That’s something I noticed the last couple of times we were in the UK - the presence of more and more “American-style” large trucks on the roads and how out of place they looked.

When we lived there in the 1990’s, I drove an American Jeep Pioneer - pickup truck with a 7-foot bed:

View attachment 102959

I had a hard time fitting that thing into parking spaces, negotiating some of the smaller roads, and my British neighbors used to frequently comment about the “massive size of your American motors!”

That’s a toy truck by todays standards. I couldn’t imagine driving some of the vehicles I saw there hogging the roads the last time we drove around there.

That's actually a Jeep Comanche. Pioneer was an option package. Sorry, I can't help myself.

Okay, since my Dad ran an oil company, here is how it was explained to me. Back then, using the methods available to measure oil reserves, and the techniques to get oil from the ground, the world WAS starting to run out of oil reserves.

Remember, in the 1970, computers were giant room sized machines that had less computing power than an iPhone does today. There was no such thing as fracking.

As time went on, the technology to find reserves in rock/oil shale, and the means to get it out of the rock (fracking) changed things dramatically.

Now, global warming is a totally different thing. The greenhouse effect was discovered in the 1850s, and it is a VERY simple scientific concept to understand. The more CO2 you have in the atmosphere, the more the atmosphere holds heat from the sun -- the warmer the earth gets. If you have a greenhouse in your yard, go inside and notice how it is warm in there on a cold day. It's the same principle.

As for the F150 V8, most consumers aren't scientists. If people want them, Ford is going to sell them.


Great expanation. Thanks.

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