The General Chat Thread (2023)

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So I went to the hospital late last week to get my cast removed - yay, what a great birthday present!

The doctor poked and prodded my hand, determined I was not adequately healed, and so they put a new cast on. Not a great birthday present.

Apparently my superpower is the opposite of Wolverine - I heal slow. Which is weird, because generally most cuts and scrapes and things I get heal pretty fast. Just the two broken bones I have had have taken a while.

Anyway, back in a cast for another two weeks. New colour this time!
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Sorry to hear that. You have my sympathy.

I know how you feel. I too have the been there done that badge (and 3 visits had the same result, only it was both legs & a knee and the other foot for me! 6 months in total before I was allowed to start weight bearing on either leg. )
So after yesterday's lovely sunshine and the weekend seeing temperatures of 20°C, today has been freezing (we had a weather front come through last night with lots and lots of dry lightning and massive thunderstorm). The wind today has kept the temperature pegged back in single figures, and that wasn't even the "feels like" figure. So the fire has been relit and until it warms up again, it's going to stay that way. We're due 23°C again by Saturday, but -3°C on Thursday morning. :cold:
So after yesterday's lovely sunshine and the weekend seeing temperatures of 20°C, today has been freezing (we had a weather front come through last night with lots and lots of dry lightning and massive thunderstorm). The wind today has kept the temperature pegged back in single figures, and that wasn't even the "feels like" figure. So the fire has been relit and until it warms up again, it's going to stay that way. We're due 23°C again by Saturday, but -3°C on Thursday morning. :cold:
At home we have a widespread frost this morning. The front lawn looks like a fall of snow, but we only dropped to 1°C.

Locally though it has dropped a low as -3.5°C (feels like -6.9°C).
Heat wave here..uncommon for this time of actually hampers my progress in the garden...I can't work out there for too long..Just harvesting and not cleaning it's a mess out there..I'll do it all at once when it cools off..
Heat Wave over here as well. although you might laugh about a "heatwave" in the Tropics.
I live at around 4,300 ft above sea level, and even though May and September are the hottest months here (usually around 28-29C), this year, the temperature has risen to 30, 31 and even 32C. Tropical sun is not like European (or US) sun: the sun's rays are directly above you, so the heat when you're out of the shade is fierce, really fierce.
I never go out into the garden, even at 7am, without sunscreen. I once got sunburned sitting on a beach for 2 hours, and my shoulders developed blisters within 24 hours.
You know those days when you're trying hard to convince the camera to make the paper white, not blue...

I couldn't for the life of me get it to make the envelope white, no matter how hard I changed the brightness and the white balance.

Then I realised the problem.


:banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Yeah. I think I'm tired.

I was photographing the card for my sister and it and the envelope have some great pictures on them. We photo cards now because we have to send them out a couple of weeks to a month before birthdays and tend to forget what we've sent.
We are currently in high temperatures here after a rather cool July and August. Not quite as high as you though.

"June to August was the planet’s warmest such period since records began in 1940, according to data from the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service." -- CNN

It seems I'm being threatened with snow tomorrow!
I’d love to have a little snow threat going on!

It’s been hot (for here), in the 90s/30s, but we had a front come through yesterday afternoon that dumped a good amount of rain and cooled everything off. Today’s high is expected to be 78F/24C.
Its unbearably hot here. I suffer really badly when its hot and have to sit still, with fan directed at me and use a water spray in order to survive. :(
It’s looks like Saturday is going to be the hottest day for you, and then it gets a bit cooler at the start of the week. Hang in there!
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