The General Chat Thread (2023)

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We are getting it soon, according to the new yard signs in our neighborhood. The City of Frisco put a hold on new AT&T Fiber over a year ago because the crews kept breaking gas lines -- well over a hundred of them. :eek:

This is kind of a surprise. A year ago, all we had was Frontier, with download speeds of 1-2Mbps. That’s not a typo.

Then, the state of Ohio got a grant from the fed (thanks, Uncle Joe!), part of infrastructure upgrading, to bring high-speed internet to rural areas in the state.

“We’ll never see that, we’re not that rural.”

Then the local paper announced that our county was allocated some of the funds.

“Won’t happen on our road, there’s loads of places in the county that are worse than we are.”

Then T-Mobile announced they were making wireless home internet available in our area, we dumped Frontier, got that, and I went from barely able to work from home to the second-fastest connection on my team.

A week later, the utilities guys were out here spray-painting lines along the road and sticking little flags in that said, “Proposed fiber optics line.” :laugh:
We are back around 90F/32C here. It is supposed to be down around 80F/27C next week.

Went to our local pub last night for a comedy show, Fiona Alan, very funny although we did miss Argentina being mauled by New Zealand. We have signed up for vip tickets at £20.00 each, we get 2 free comedy shows if we have a meal before any show we get a discount and we get to know before non vips when someone big is going to be on so worth the pennies.
I just watched a YouTube video, and saw two of my copyrighted photos on it. The narration was computer generated. Someone trying to make money off of other people's work. :ninja:

Bellow: screen captures of MY photographs.

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And gorgeous photos they are. I suppose the cost of taking legal action against the video producer is prohibitive?
And gorgeous photos they are. I suppose the cost of taking legal action against the video producer is prohibitive?

I've sent them an email message. I'll do the usual, and tell them to pay me x-amount, or remove my photos. If they won't work with me, I'll report them to YouTube. If you use copyrighted material on a YouTube channel, you can lose your channel. I will make sure they understand that I won't hesitate to get YouTube involved. I'm guessing YouTube would find all kinds of copyright infringement on their channel.

They only have 44K subscribers, so I doubt they can afford to pay me, but they will have to re-edit their video -- or lose their channel.

Did try to get my chef jackets and trunks from a smaller company, instead of ordering at Amazon.

I'm still searching for a small shop with decent prices, but it seems Amazon's way of displaying goods might be the better way.
Well it has happened again. A nut job with Automatic weapons killed 22 people in Lewiston, Maine today. Time for Republicans to break out the "thoughts and prayers," while defending the second amendment rights of nut jobs to "keep and bear arms."

Check this out...


There will be a spike in gun and ammo sales tomorrow, just as there is after every mass shooting. The gun industry LOVES these shootings.

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Interesting little bit - the couple we happened to sit next to at breakfast…the wife is from our hometown and visit it frequently, even though they’re retired in Oklahoma.

It was kind of strange, in a good way, hearing her mention hometown current events (like a new diner opening), with lots of details.
Well, that was interesting. We had a blackout, the shop floor have roof lights, the office do not...pitch black apart from a few torches on phones.
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