This is kind of a surprise. A year ago, all we had was Frontier, with download speeds of 1-2Mbps. That’s not a typo.We are getting it soon, according to the new yard signs in our neighborhood. The City of Frisco put a hold on new AT&T Fiber over a year ago because the crews kept breaking gas lines -- well over a hundred of them.
Then, the state of Ohio got a grant from the fed (thanks, Uncle Joe!), part of infrastructure upgrading, to bring high-speed internet to rural areas in the state.
“We’ll never see that, we’re not that rural.”
Then the local paper announced that our county was allocated some of the funds.
“Won’t happen on our road, there’s loads of places in the county that are worse than we are.”
Then T-Mobile announced they were making wireless home internet available in our area, we dumped Frontier, got that, and I went from barely able to work from home to the second-fastest connection on my team.
A week later, the utilities guys were out here spray-painting lines along the road and sticking little flags in that said, “Proposed fiber optics line.”