The General Chat Thread (2024)

The company we have been using for many years have decided they want to concentrate on 'corporate' with multiple sites so do not want to do business with us any longer. The cleaner originally left her job to work for them, thinking she would have permanent employment but because they don't want to work for us any more they let her go, so she came in to fight for her job. She was told where she needs to improve and we have supported her as much as we possibly can, give her a chance, but she just doesn't know how to clean.
We should have gone to a small local business but the powers that be don't want to get involved with another company as they cost, in my opinion worth it, but it isn't my decision so hey ho..
Had a feeling it was something like that.
Is she open to being left a check list of jobs? Regular ones and rotating extras? Sounds like she needs a lot of supervision 🙁
Just to get it out of my system,although it has evaporated mostly already...

On my way out of the edu, I whispered to an unknown teacher, in general a colleague of mine ( we do the same work, in different schools, never met before , 10 y younger than me), whose student just played, congratulations!

She smiled to me, but a sec later, turning away from me, towards her student (13 y old), she must have rolled her eyes or sticked her tongue, as the student's face froze ...

What must be going on badly in that teacher's soul to twist from a fake smile to a genuine roll?

I had not talked to her the previous day, there was no time, but I gathered her student is brilliant, an award winner, hard worker, joyous 13y old girl who is giving her best...and I find that superb! Of course, the teacher had plenty to contribute, why would it be a minus to congratulate?

Anyways, 100 people, 100 characters😊
Of course, the teacher had plenty to contribute, why would it be a minus to congratulate?
Ignore her. You were kind enough to pay her a compliment; that should make you feel good. 😍 If she chose to take it as a slur, or sarcasm, that's HER problem, not yours. Some people are just negative all the time.
MrsT’s roses have opened up quite a bit:

The (or an) uncle of my boyfriend's brother's wife died. A part of the family is paying tribute, he& brother will do so soon.

It is August, but I just read an article releasing data for July 2024, there have been 4500 deaths nationwide, which, it says, is 500 more than in July last year, and a 10 y high.

While still wearing mourning for his Dad, I could not help but notice at least 10,15 other mourning persons out and about, every day. It was too obvious. May all their loved ones rest in peace.

We have that yellowish dust/sand again yesterday and today, news claim it's Asian this time. It is very toasty still, 34 to 36c.

Last night, daughter went to a pizzeria on her vacay, with her Dad and paternal Grandma, and both Grandma and her got food poisoned. Recovering, doing better, we text.

My Dad's better today, and Mom too. I brought them food/grocery shopped as they do not walk outside, for the heat mostly, and their fragility.

Mom ordered, I helped, a 4 legged walking stick, will possibly arrive Mon.

I am gratefully enjoying a quiet siesta at home, reading, listening, chilling out.
There is a daily rota for her to follow, however she ignores some things and does things she doesn't need to. Cleaning is not hard.
I have seen a lot of businesses where in the restrooms they have a laminated checklist that the person who is in charge of cleaning has to check off each item and initial the box on the checklist, there isn't anything in place for the cleaner to follow where she has to do the same?
The weather today has been so bad that both vehicles are currently parked on the front lawn. It's the only place where a tree can't come down on one of them. The house might, but not a tree!

Hubby's not impressed that I've left the keys in the ignition. That way I know where they are in an emergency! Unlike his vehicle mine needs the key in it to work. His only needs the key fob inside the vehicle somewhere.
We had a bit of a hot spell last week, but the weather has cooled down. The high today is supposed to 70F/21C. Hoping that the cooler weather hops across the Atlantic to you soon.

We were supposed to gave a storm yesterday, that changed to today but still nothing. Something is definitely in the air as I have had a headache all day and those things are rare for me.
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