Off to bed early. Won't help with sleep but we have to complete the second stage of de-worming the chooks in the morning. They're not allowed to eat (and technically drink, though I ignore that bit) for 24hrs before being wormed. I only do 12hrs without food, none without access to water, but it means we have to do them no matter what it how I feel tomorrow morning. We started the de-worming 2 weeks ago before we knew I was ill again and well, we get to force feed blueberries stuffed with worming tablets to the entire flock in the morning. Some chooks need to be fed 10 tablets because of their weight...
it's one of those mad mornings where you really hope no one is watching as plead with a chicken to voluntarily eat the blueberries rather than you have to force them into them...
It's easier to force feed them blueberries stuffed with worming tablets than it is the tablets themselves which get stuck in their throats because they are not sealed tablets and they don't apparently taste very good going by the chooks approach to refusing them. Blueberries on the other hand get swallowed much more easily and 2 or 3 girls will take them from our hands. I'm just hoping they don't remember 3 days of liquid shoots from only 2 weeks ago, else tomorrow morning will be harder, not easier. At least we don't have to weigh them tomorrow !