Forum GOD!
1974 Xenia tornado - Wikipedia
We don't get a lot up here in the Akron OH area but other areas of OH have before.

1974 Xenia tornado - Wikipedia
We don't get a lot up here in the Akron OH area but other areas of OH have before.
We get tornadoes around here every year, but it used to be limited to maybe three storms over the summer (June-Aug).Normally, you wouldn't get tornadoes in Ohio, right?
Time well spent then..Anyway…weather turned into another non-event, just loads of rain - even the wind wasn’t terribly bad.
On a positive note, I did stay up until 1:30 in the AM (!), because they kept saying the threat was lessening but could spin back up at a moment’s notice, and that happened with the last storm, which gave me a chance to watch 1979 schlock classic “Satan’s Wives” (aka “Ring of Darkness”).
Yes, we get alerts from two entities…when we get them, and the truth is, cutting them some slack here, the nature of tornadoes are that they frequently give no notice, so if you happen to be unfortunate enough to be at the starting end of one, the sequence is:I thought there was some sort of text alert service you can sign up to?
Or is it so unpredictable that they can't give you 30 mins notice to get out of bed and get your arse down?
I had a feeling it was like that. What a pita! Must be rubbish for sleeping!Yes, we get alerts from two entities…when we get them, and the truth is, cutting them some slack here, the nature of tornadoes are that they frequently give no notice, so if you happen to be unfortunate enough to be at the starting end of one, the sequence is:
1. Tornado starts
2. Tornado destroys your house
3. Notice is sent that there’s possibly a tornado thereabouts
Also, tornadoes being what they are (unpredictable), and humans being what we are (rather lazy/procrastinating), if we ran to shelter every time emergency services told us to, we’d spend half our lives hunkered down somewhere.
That’s why I like to watch the TV coverage, because I can at least some idea of the path; all ES texts tell us is “Tornado!…probably!…take shelter!…or not!…”
That's a shame. What's even more a shame is that they felt the need to speak ill of each other to others and you. I hope you are able to make some new friends, I know you had a really great time hanging out with them over the years but being in the middle isn't going to be easy. And that body shaming thing, tsk tsk.Well, as they say, the gang is breaking up.
My Neighborhood Gal Pals are dwindling ... 2 have moved away and now the other two are no longer friends with each other, not me though.
Last night, Mrs. Next Door Neighbor was shall we say, into the wine a bit much and sent a text message to a friend back home in California, or so she thought.
It was a photo of my other Gal Pal and was body shaming her, saying that she thought that her friendship with her was coming to an end... most unfortunately, the text went to my other Gal Pal. They're both done with one another, and have told each other so.
I was not part of this drama, hurray, but I am in the middle of all of this.
I spoke with each of them separately last night, as well checked in on them both this morning.
Mrs. Next Door Neighbor says that she regrets what she did, but does feel that their friendship was over awhile back.
This is all so difficult, but I must remain neutral and not take sides. Neither will I repeat what either of them have said to me personally about this mess...
Yeah, men think much differently than we do, but quite frankly, I'd probably have to give Ms. Body Shamer a stern scolding and it would make me question what she says about me behind my back?JAS_OH1 yeah, I agree, one should never body shaming!
We're all different and that's what makes the World an interesting place.
My other Gal Pal is a very sensitive person and they'll be no coming back from this.
My DH said she should just tell Mrs. Next Door Neighbor, F - you, tell Mrs. NDN off and don't you ever do that again, but she won't do that.
DH said I guess because I'm a guy, that's what I would have done, it's not like Mrs. NDN physically hurt her in anyway , "... but I'm a guy, what do I know."
I know, right?!Yeah, men think much differently than we do, but quite frankly, I'd probably have to give Ms. Body Shamer a stern scolding and it would make me question what she says about me behind my back?
Isn't she the same neighbor gal pal who has taken advantage of your good-natured givingness more than once? Just sayin'. You appear to be a very tolerant person and I get it, sometimes it might be better just to slowly disengage then get confrontational. My favorite sister is like that, she's very passive and tolerant but it makes me mad because she gets stepped on regularly because of it. She's 6 years older than I am and she has finally figured out to just remove herself completely from unpleasant situations whereas before she would still tolerate people who were like that and now she just chooses to avoid them somewhat...I know, right?!
I hadn't thought about that one before.
I did say to DH that I wonder if I'm next ... this is Mrs. NDN's three Gal Pal that she "broke up with".
As to the scolding, I'm going next door here in a bit to talk with her face-to-face and get a fell of the land.
I really want to remain neutral and would rather not even talk about it with her any longer.