Forum GOD!
My aforementioned favorite sister (I have 2 others and a foster sister) is not thick skinned, she's actually very sensitive but just doesn't let on how she feels and bottles it up inside. I can always tell from her tone in a text or on the phone if something is bothering her (she lives in Texas so I don't get to see her often). I wish she wouldn't let people use her. She has one "friend" who isn't really a friend at all but just an energy sucker. I wish I was there to tell that woman off! That would make my sister uncomfortable though so I wouldn't do it (well not blatantly and in a confrontational manner, anyway).Mrs. NDN has said things to me in the past that p.o.'d me, but I just told her so and to cut it out.
If she brought it up again, I'd say, "we're not talking about that ever again, remember?", turned and walked away, simple.
But DH says that I'm not one of those thin-skinned weepy gals, "you've got some huevos girl! You don't take any"
She is literally my next door neighbor, and I don't plan on moving any time soon, I really like this house and where we are ... so there's that. I just have to be patient and tolerant, but I do let her know when she crosses the line with me.
As to the good karma, I think I do have really good karma about me. My sister-in-law has told me several times over these many years, that I have several chairs waiting for me in heaven.AWWWW!!!
Sounds like you have a good handle on this situation, though!