..and then ask 4,500 questions about absolutely nothing which is relevant to the first question. At least, that's what my wife does. Call from today (she's in the US)One of the biggest differences between men and women that I have noticed is that women tend to listen
"The girl from the bank called"

"I know - she called me"
"What did she want? "

"She called you, didn't she?"
Yes - but what did she want?

Doesn't matter - I've fixed it.
Fixed what?

I said, I've fixed it.
How much did it cost?

How much did what cost??
The drainage shaft in the front garden?

It's paid for. I told you 3 weeks ago.
But how does it look?

Who cares? Do you want me to call Versace and Gucci to see if it meets their standards of natural beauty?
What happened to Versace???