
His point was that Trump is the result of Putin's plans, a useful fool. His miscalculation was that he hadn't broken western democracy as much as he thought.

On another thought, Switzerland joining in is massive, a huge turn around and a body blow for those with their billions stashed in what they believed were bullet proof accounts. In the last 24 hours we have seen the head of a Russian Bank, and the owner of the biggest aluminium producer in Russia both come out and say the war must be ended. Sanctions are working, the fear of course is how much damage Putin is willing to do on his way out.

Which is my prediction putin will be taken out.

It looks like Putin's assumption that the Ukrainian people would view him as a savior hasn't worked which has caused all sorts of problems to this point for Putin. None of the major Ukrainian cities have been taken even the ones in the North close to Russian borders. It's apparent that the people of Ukraine value the rights of the individual and Ukrainian people know that the Russian people don't count and that it's the powerful elites in Russia that matter. Ukrainians are willing to fight and die for their Country which has forced the Russian invaders to pause and now appear to be uncoordinated and frustration is setting in. There's been a run on Russian banks and billions have been pulled out of savings and the ruble has crashed. Oligarchs brains will be falling out right about now, even though most of their money is well sheltered from the sanctions it's not good for business, so we'll see what happens on that front.

Just to put things into perspective, here is a list of National Economies by GDP. The US and major European economies dwarf Russia's economy. As I mentioned before, the single State of Texas has a larger economy than Russia. The Russian Economy is very breakable.

Screen Shot 2022-02-28 at 5.58.39 PM.jpg

I still think the little man Putin will be taken out by his own people.
There was an interesting interview on Times Radio with Gary Kasparov, who knows how things work in Moscow. He notes that as a dictator, Putin is not driven by a twisted ideology like Stalin or Hitler, but is the head of a mafia organisation, a confederacy of crooks. He is there because he delivers for the other members of the mafia, once he stops delivering by say having their businesses ruined and their assets around the World confiscated whilst he pursues his demons, then they will no longer have a use for him.
[Mod.edit: this and a number of other posts moved from 'general chat' thread (MG)]

I can't begin to put in to words how much the situation in Ukraine affects me. It's already ruined this year for sure.

There's always a lot of poking fun at millenials in this website, but try to envision what it is like being 35 now. We already had 3 ' once in a life time crisis ' in our lives. We can't buy houses ( yes I am an exception thanks to my husband). There are no Jobs offering stability. There is a climate crisis too. And a pandemic.

And now there's a war on our doorstep. And who will pay the price when the time comes? Right, my generation and the children of my generation and gen X. Because the young ones are always the ones drafted.
Yes, I know other generations will get hurt too.
But please stop telling us how good we have it.

Rant over. Don't expect me to feel happy for a while.
Nothing to stop America and Germany (NATO) expanding ever Eastwards.
They promised the former USSR to stop expanding, but they broke their promise, this I know from my studies as a child.

Now, the Soviet Union is having an existential crisis ten times, if not a hundred times worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis.

How would you feel if the Russians placed weapons off the coast of Florida, New York, California, that could strike within 5 minutes?
Nukes capable of destroying entire cities.

Exactly, not good at all. And if the Russians did that, first by taking Canada, after 45 years of encroachment, you'd be pissed enough.

My other take on this, is that Vlads relationship with Klaus is worrying, and we are watching a play, a well played play, where all the major actors know their next step years in advance. Fulfilling their agenda.

I don't know. Nobody does.

Just watch my latest video m'kay! :D
And stop worrying about stuff you've no control over.
Although I do have bug-out bags for my family.
Nothing to stop America and Germany (NATO) expanding ever Eastwards.
They promised the former USSR to stop expanding, but they broke their promise.

Now, the Soviet Union is having an existential crisis ten times, if not a hundred times worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis.

How would you feel if the Russians placed weapons off the coast of Florida, New York, California, that could strike within 5 minutes?
Exactly, not good at all. And if the Russians did that, first by taking Canada, after 45 years of encroachment, you'd be pissed enough.
Your suggestion that NATO "promised" to stop expanding is contentious, at least.
If you had been an inhabitant of a Communist (USSR) - controlled country for over 50 years, where your civil rights, human rights and any other rights were dictated by a bunch of geriatric, ideologically shackled, anti-progress jerks functioning thousands of miles away in another country, how would you feel? Once liberated, I´d choose any option except the former. Additionally, democracy is always, ALWAYS a better option than oppressive extreme left-wing ideology - which has proven to be inefficient, inept and incapable over the past 100 years.
If Russia (or, more exactly, Putin) is suffering an "existential" crisis, it´s only because those antiquarian Politburo dinosaurs refuse to give in to change; although the oligarchs seem quite happy to make millions at the cost of others.
And no-one has placed missiles all around Russia - unless you count China and North Korea.
The former "communist-controlled" countries joined NATO of their own free will. No-one obliged them.
Capitalism and Democracy, with all its faults, makes people a heck of a lot happier and better off than being downtrodden and suppressed by some archaic and repressive "socialist" regime.
There was an interesting interview on Times Radio with Gary Kasparov, who knows how things work in Moscow. He notes that as a dictator, Putin is not driven by a twisted ideology like Stalin or Hitler, but is the head of a mafia organisation, a confederacy of crooks. He is there because he delivers for the other members of the mafia, once he stops delivering by say having their businesses ruined and their assets around the World confiscated whilst he pursues his demons, then they will no longer have a use for him.
What I've been saying. He will be taken out from within .

Currently, my approach to this is that there's not much I can do to help, and the way I feel today won't have any impact on the outcome of this or how I will feel in the future, so I'm just carrying on with regular life as best as I can and trying to enjoy the new house that I worked so hard to be able to afford (albeit there is that underline of "there's a war close by and this may hit me sooner or later"), but, I'm trying to focus on the here and now as much as possible, and for now I am safe and healthy and have a ton of stuff to do both around the house and at work.

Meanwhile, boyfriend's approach to this is to keep the TV on and watch the war news ALL DAY, every single day that he is here, and I can't tell you how much this gets to my nerves. His rationale is that if there are updates they will be on TV in real time, my argument is that you can get updates on your cellphone too and if anything relevant happens you'll hear about it from Facebook, 99% of the time it's just the same thing going on and TV shows the same news on repeat, plus horrible images of cities destroyed and people fleeing and children crying and all that. We had the day off yesterday and I changed the TV channel, today I'm working so I'm more or less distracted but I can still hear the TV from where I'm sitting (which is on the far end of the house, but the house isn't that large and the far end of the house is still relatively close to the other end of the house). Thankfully, he's back at work tomorrow and I'll be more or less at peace.
Currently, my approach to this is that there's not much I can do to help, and the way I feel today won't have any impact on the outcome of this or how I will feel in the future, so I'm just carrying on with regular life as best as I can and trying to enjoy the new house that I worked so hard to be able to afford (albeit there is that underline of "there's a war close by and this may hit me sooner or later"), but, I'm trying to focus on the here and now as much as possible, and for now I am safe and healthy and have a ton of stuff to do both around the house and at work.

Meanwhile, boyfriend's approach to this is to keep the TV on and watch the war news ALL DAY, every single day that he is here, and I can't tell you how much this gets to my nerves. His rationale is that if there are updates they will be on TV in real time, my argument is that you can get updates on your cellphone too and if anything relevant happens you'll hear about it from Facebook, 99% of the time it's just the same thing going on and TV shows the same news on repeat, plus horrible images of cities destroyed and people fleeing and children crying and all that. We had the day off yesterday and I changed the TV channel, today I'm working so I'm more or less distracted but I can still hear the TV from where I'm sitting (which is on the far end of the house, but the house isn't that large and the far end of the house is still relatively close to the other end of the house). Thankfully, he's back at work tomorrow and I'll be more or less at peace.
I understand what you are saying, all the negativity can be quite taxing emotionally and it doesn't change anything.

I keep the TV on in my bedroom (which is also where my office space is located) and it's set to CNBC, which is our business news channel (stock markets and such). I have a lot of money tied up in the markets and I am an active stock trader, so it does impact me greatly. I don't actually watch the TV mostly and on CNBC they don't show that much in the way of horrible images, just discussions of economic impact. The way that different countries handle this impacts different areas of the markets for sure. If I had know how this was going to escalate I probably would have sold off more of my stocks in certain sectors beforehand. No mind reader here, that's for sure. It's really hard to time the markets under normal conditions (like what has been normal in the past 2 years, LOL). I am still way ahead on my earnings so not hurting.

And it still does impact me emotionally as well, so sad to watch this unfold. I am in complete awe of the Ukrainian president Zelensky. The Ukraine people as a whole are really admirable and stoic, I think.

I am so happy for you to have your new house! Hopefully the rest of the week will bring you great peace of mind and you will get much accomplished.
Currently, my approach to this is that there's not much I can do to help, and the way I feel today won't have any impact on the outcome of this or how I will feel in the future, so I'm just carrying on with regular life as best as I can and trying to enjoy the new house that I worked so hard to be able to afford (albeit there is that underline of "there's a war close by and this may hit me sooner or later"), but, I'm trying to focus on the here and now as much as possible, and for now I am safe and healthy and have a ton of stuff to do both around the house and at work.

Meanwhile, boyfriend's approach to this is to keep the TV on and watch the war news ALL DAY, every single day that he is here, and I can't tell you how much this gets to my nerves. His rationale is that if there are updates they will be on TV in real time, my argument is that you can get updates on your cellphone too and if anything relevant happens you'll hear about it from Facebook, 99% of the time it's just the same thing going on and TV shows the same news on repeat, plus horrible images of cities destroyed and people fleeing and children crying and all that. We had the day off yesterday and I changed the TV channel, today I'm working so I'm more or less distracted but I can still hear the TV from where I'm sitting (which is on the far end of the house, but the house isn't that large and the far end of the house is still relatively close to the other end of the house). Thankfully, he's back at work tomorrow and I'll be more or less at peace.
Maybe buy sound blocking headphones? They help me a good deal because my stepsons always have a loud youtube video on repeat at all hours of the day. Your mental health is worth protecting!

And I think you've made the right choice. I'm trying to live on as much as possible too, and distract myself with creating things for my business. My mental health has taken a hit, but I'm coping. It will get less in time, I'm paying attention to my needs and staying offline a little more than usual to protect myself.
I'm hoping the sotu might have some effect. I was pretty impressed, although fox weren't. Biden even made a bee line for Texas kevin Grady.
I thought of caseydog Att.


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