[Mod.edit: this and a number of other posts moved from 'general chat' thread (MG)]
I can't begin to put in to words how much the situation in Ukraine affects me. It's already ruined this year for sure.
There's always a lot of poking fun at millenials in this website, but try to envision what it is like being 35 now. We already had 3 ' once in a life time crisis ' in our lives. We can't buy houses ( yes I am an exception thanks to my husband). There are no Jobs offering stability. There is a climate crisis too. And a pandemic.
And now there's a war on our doorstep. And who will pay the price when the time comes? Right, my generation and the children of my generation and gen X. Because the young ones are always the ones drafted.
Yes, I know other generations will get hurt too.
But please stop telling us how good we have it.
Rant over. Don't expect me to feel happy for a while.
Nothing to stop America and Germany (NATO) expanding ever Eastwards.
They promised the former USSR to stop expanding, but they broke their promise, this I know from my studies as a child.
Now, the Soviet Union is having an existential crisis ten times, if not a hundred times worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis.
How would you feel if the Russians placed weapons off the coast of Florida, New York, California, that could strike within 5 minutes?
Nukes capable of destroying entire cities.
Exactly, not good at all. And if the Russians did that, first by taking Canada, after 45 years of encroachment, you'd be pissed enough.
My other take on this, is that Vlads relationship with Klaus is worrying, and we are watching a play, a well played play, where all the major actors know their next step years in advance. Fulfilling their agenda.
I don't know. Nobody does.
Just watch my latest video m'kay!

And stop worrying about stuff you've no control over.
Although I do have bug-out bags for my family.