What’s going on in your garden (2025)?

So diluted Castile soap is the way to go?
So, best methodology is to apply when it's cool, like less than 85 °F/ 30 °C. If you can't manage that it's okay this just makes the next caveat more important which is to apply when overcast or early in the AM when the dew is on the plant and the sun isn't bright. The shape of the droplet will form a lense so you don't want to burn the leaves. The thing with the soap is it will suffocate soft body insects. I use 3 or 4 pumps in a quart of water and shake well. If adding neem oil, kills other bugs, only about a dropper full and only mix up what you'll use in that application. Neem oil will break down very fast, 2 days or so, so you can't really store it after it's mixed up. UV knocks it right gone but it does kill the bugs before it breaks down.
I got this one from Amazon for I think $8 and I've only used a bit. Like a dropper full per application
I’m a bit late this year, but I finally started my pepper seeds (jalapeno and cayenne) today. I tried soaking them in water overnight to see if that speeds up the germination any (they usually take forever).

Last frost isn’t until mid-late May here, so I haven’t been doing much outside - way too early. Don’t want to disturb the insects that are still asleep in the leaf litter and hollow stems.
Wouldn’t mind a bit of input on this order before I pull the trigger. It’s for planters, hanging baskets and a large pot -
Gravel for a thin layer in the base.
Perlite for water retention.
Tomorite compost for soil.
Bark for the top to help with water retention.

Is that list ok?
Do I need to line the hanging baskets with something?
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