What’s the next kitchen item you plan to buy?

natty citrus squeezer that juices in a fast an painless fashion so thats on the list
It's not as painless as you'd like. Mine has lost several of the black wedge pieces that hold smaller citrus in place, so that now if I want lime, I end up having to use a lemon rind to hold the lime half in place :(
It's not as painless as you'd like. Mine has lost several of the black wedge pieces that hold smaller citrus in place, so that now if I want lime, I end up having to use a lemon rind to hold the lime half in place :(
After waiting as long as I have to replace the bowl I think I've learned my lesson and am done persevering with semi broken bits of kit. Well probably, old habits die hard 😆

I adore farmer style hold it together with bailer twine or a bit of duct tape but I reckon now I'm over 50 I should stump up and buy the correct replacement parts that make my life easier.

A replacement citrus cone is just £7. They're bright yellow now so perhaps they've changed the plastic?
I'd happily add it to my order and post it on to you if you like? Might even be helpful to me in putting the order in on the discs I actually need!
replacement citrus cone is just £7. They're bright yellow now so perhaps they've changed the plastic?
I'd happily add it to my order and post it on to you if you like? Might even be helpful to me in putting the order in on the discs I actually need!
The black bits that have broken off are in the lid of the citrus press... getting parts here is a little harder, but to be honest, I've not looked. I usually buy the odd jobs or misshapen limes which are usually starting to ripen to yellow which makes them so much easier to juice, that I just do them by hand. I may also just be over 50, but I don't have the cash to stump up for things unless it is 110% necessary... I'm only going back to university because if I don't get a job after the course, I don't have to pay the course fees back.
The black bits that have broken off are in the lid of the citrus press... getting parts here is a little harder, but to be honest, I've not looked. I usually buy the odd jobs or misshapen limes which are usually starting to ripen to yellow which makes them so much easier to juice, that I just do them by hand. I may also just be over 50, but I don't have the cash to stump up for things unless it is 110% necessary... I'm only going back to university because if I don't get a job after the course, I don't have to pay the course fees back.
Oh the lid?! I did not expect that!
Free Education, oh I remember those days.. sigh.
Oh the lid?! I did not expect that!

Free Education, oh I remember those days.. sigh

If I get a job afterwards, then the tax office will add extra tax by percentage according to how much I earn. So the lowest level is $51,000 pa at which stage I'd pay 1% extra tax. I'm not certain what the bands are, but how quickly you pay it back depends entirely on what you earn.
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If I get a job afterwards, then the tax office will add extra tax by percentage according to how much I earn. So the lowest level is $51,000 pa at which stage I'd pay 1% extra tax. I'm not certain what the bands are, but how quickly you pay it back depends entirely on what you earn.
Well as for the citrus press - that’s rubbish! I hope they’ve improved the plastic, they said they have toughened the bowl and lid on that item.
You won’t be the only one that’s happened to for sure and I can’t imagine the demographic Magimix appeals to will make for quiet customers.

1% is very good. I know New Zealand has a similar system because we had some Kiwi nurses that wouldn’t go back because they didn’t want to get whopped with extra tax, I guess their percentage pay back was more than 1%
Well as for the citrus press - that’s rubbish! I hope they’ve improved the plastic, they said they have toughened the bowl and lid on that item.
You won’t be the only one that’s happened to for sure and I can’t imagine the demographic Magimix appeals to will make for quiet customers.

1% is very good. I know New Zealand has a similar system because we had some Kiwi nurses that wouldn’t go back because they didn’t want to get whopped with extra tax, I guess their percentage pay back was more than 1%
1% is the bottom level, I don't know the exact figures but it stages upwards, so it might be 2% if you earn over $61,000 and 2½% over $71,000 for example. But I'm making those additional figures up for the purposes of demonstration. Still is very good, because the likelihood is that I'll only be able to return to work part time and anything I earn will be saved because we manage to save whilst living off my OH's wage.

Perhaps I'll investigate sending the virus press back. I'm guessing the warranty has probably expired by now, though it did all come with the original purchase so it may have a longer than usual warranty. I know Vitamix do that. Lids and jugs with them are usually only 2 yrs or 5 years warranty unless they came as part of the original purchase, in which case they get the full 10yr warranty.
I bit the bullet and ordered the utensils for outside.
Persuaded myself I deserved them (on what grounds I do not know 😂) so if the family get together gets ugly I’m just going to focus on my new outdoor untensils!

Love the name of this company ‘Taylor’s Eye Witness’ such a strange choice for a name!
Didn’t buy all of the stuff pictured below just selected the pieces that will work for me but you’ll get the idea of the happiness!
I have been hunting high and low for a Tamago Pan.
I finally found one here in Honolulu

tamago pan.jpg

tamago pan 1.jpg

Not that I really wanted Pink necessarily, but you get what you get sometimes.
I'll wait until we get back to Cowboyville Arizona before I experiment with this pan, mainly because eggs here cost a bloody fortune! $6.49/doz
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