Lynne Guinne
Or if your Mom sets her purse down on the "windowsill" and ten minutes later you lift it up and ask "are you missing something?" That is what happened when my parents and I went on vacation to Niagara Falls, ON, Canada and ate in the Skylon Tower. This was when I was young, in elementary school. Now I'm old enough that if my own children were parents, my grandkids might be that age....(in regards to revolving restaurants)...Commonly, you can't even tell it is revolving, the clue that it really is revolving is when, ten minutes later, you look out the window and find yourself looking at a completely different view.

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Now that my wonderful hubby has un-messed the mess I made with my cell phone and Dropbox, I can post photos of our meals when they are photographic. Tonight I made a first for us, Shakshuka. Hubby isn't a big fan of tomato-based dishes that aren't my homemade spaghetti sauce, but he was pleasantly surprised by how much he liked it. I won't make it often, but I will make it again.