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Pomegranates in full season here. This tree, right outside our hotel room, has yielded some welcome additions to salads this week.
Pomegranate was one of the reasons I thought Fesenjan might be interesting for the Cookalong.
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Pomegranates in full season here. This tree, right outside our hotel room, has yielded some welcome additions to salads this week.
Yeah but I'm always substituting potatoes for something or other. I fancy a change!I'm sure potatoes could be substituted for tofu?
I've found that, while paneer doesn't soak up flavours, flavours (and other foods) seem to cling to it. Perhaps, when I've recovered from a week of hospital appointments, flu jab, dentist appointments and round the clock motorsport etc, I'll experiment.I wonder. Possibly - but would the paneer pick up anything of the flavour from being marinaded? I've been experimenting with marinading tofu and fermenting it. If you ferment it it tastes like cheese! The tofu I use is a new product Tofoo. Its really firm and no need to press out all the liquid. Its a brilliant product.
For dessert I've prepared this dish that my aunts in Puglia always made during All Souls' Day.
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This looks like wheat with pomegranate, walnuts and bits of dates? Or is it currants. Most interesting.
His own fault then@Lynne Guinne
He just ate too much. Served him a bowl weighed to his requirements. He snuck into the kitchen for a second helping. Then he moaned about how stuffed and over full he felt. Bad Boy!
BTW, one of the nutrition courses I did told us that it takes approx., 20 minutes for the brain to pick up messages from the stomach that you have eaten enough
I last ate tofu in a Chinese restaurant in Bangsar (a suburb of Kuala Lumpur) 20 years ago. The same restaurant that I experienced chrysanthemum soup for the first time. I shall not make an intentional effort to repeat the experience with either of them..
We don't general add much if any almond milk and our quiche are a lot deeper than standard quiche, hence they use roughly twice the number of eggs. I also made 6 or 7, maybe 8 quiche but some only have 4 servings and others 8 depending on the size of the dish available. 1 served 10. All but one was frozen. I do have some pictures but they are on my husband's tablet, so I'll have to transfer them today.How many eggs do you put in each quiche? I usually use 3 plus ½ pint of milk/plant milk per quiche. That would mean you made 16 quiches!