What did you cook or eat today (August 2019)?

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For lunch I am having Chicken and Cavatappi Pasta Salad. DH made it, no recipe, but he added what he calls chicken bacon (chicken skin, crisped) and that makes the salad.

So this could be posted for the Dish of the Month: Pasta Salad.
Well, Philly cheesesteaks pushed back a night...as an inveterate planner, I hate when that happens, but I got home too late to make them.

Lunch meat sandwiches and potato chips instead.
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Well, Philly cheesesteaks pushed back a night...as an inveterate planner, I hate when that happens, but I got home to late to make them.

Lunch meat sandwiches and potato chips instead.

I don't make solid plans - then I don't get worried! Each day is an adventure. Today, I made a Madhur Jaffrey recipe for The CookingBites Recipe Challenge: Cumin and The Cookbook Game #2. I didn't plan ahead to do this but decided this morning, as I had all the ingredients. I have the luxury of being retired. Will post up photos & recipe tomorrow. Well, I suppose that is a plan.

My first attempt at making tea eggs and pretty happy with the result. So I actually started cooking these yesterday, but the method I was using was to leave them steeping overnight so they were ready to eat today.

I posted my recipe in the egg thread here: https://www.cookingbites.com/threads/tea-eggs-marble-eggs.16068/
Last night's evening meal. No photo but pie and chips. The pie was ok. I'm not a huge fan if the fake meats nor their taste, this one was chicken vegetable. I much prefer tbe curry vegetable but hubby got that. 2 identical pies on the baking tray 50:50 odds. The chips on the other hand were great but hubby forgot to serve any vegetables except the chips!
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