What did you cook or eat today (August 2021)?

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The second I think are savory loukmades , and the first a modern spin on choriatiki?
Very impressive! The second is indeed a modern take on the humble Greek salad. I thought it was an egg draped over the top, but that’s actually a sheet of feta cheese.

And, the first is a savory donut (as they called it on the menu). Any guesses on the filling?
Very impressive! The second is indeed a modern take on the humble Greek salad. I thought it was an egg draped over the top, but that’s actually a sheet of feta cheese.

And, the first is a savory donut (as they called it on the menu). Any guesses on the filling?
Loukmades are donuts ;)

I'm guessing feta?
💖 I guess spending 3 summers in Greece has payed off then :okay: but I've got pretty extensive food knowledge too.

Loukmades are one of my favorite Greek foods 😍
And, a spinach pie with the main courses…a bland sea bream with shrimp and a spectacular smoked tuna. I tried to capture the smoke as the glass lid was removed from the dish. You can’t see it, but the taste was unmistakable.

We were given pistachio ice cream and ouzo gratis after the meal.





Chinese take away tonight, no photos.

The plan of course was to fly over London at lunch time, then spend the afternoon playing with Concorde, Vulcan and Lancaster bombers and assorted other airborne killing machines at Duxford Museum before returning home hungry and exhausted and getting a take out.

Well, the trip didn't happen, but I wasn't going to be deprived of my Chinese too.
The plan of course was to fly over London at lunch time, then spend the afternoon playing with Concorde, Vulcan and Lancaster bombers and assorted other airborne killing machines at Duxford Museum before returning home hungry and exhausted and getting a take out.
I was going to ask, “But, what about the plan to fly over London at lunch time, then spend the afternoon playing with Concorde, Vulcan and Lancaster bombers and assorted other airborne killing machines at Duxford Museum?”

I’m very sorry that didn’t pan out…it sounds like good fun. Not sure how Chinese food factors into it, but to each his own.
I was going to ask, “But, what about the plan to fly over London at lunch time, then spend the afternoon playing with Concorde, Vulcan and Lancaster bombers and assorted other airborne killing machines at Duxford Museum?”

I’m very sorry that didn’t pan out…it sounds like good fun. Not sure how Chinese food factors into it, but to each his own.
The flight was cancelled due to bad weather, we will just rebook it for another date, so it will happen. The takeaway was because I didn't fancy the idea of cooking after a full day out and 200 miles of driving.
Ooh ok, So that is how it rolled...🤓
Well then, much much praise to you. It really is a lot of work. Did you get the rest you so deserved?
It reminds me of a sentence my boyfriend once typed, that took my eyebrows up, I am a man, and I still do all those things.(😂😎household duties, chores)... And I was like, it is not about gender, it is a split of duties. You are in the household, you do all the duties. It can be taking turns.
It could be his phrasing was off, but if and when we co live will be the true test.
That is what I try to teach my daughter too.
I know, especially the last couple of years, my Mom does e v e r ything around the household. As long as I can remember, he did the fixings and wall painting, chair repair etc, but no household duties. I simply do not agree with that. My ex husband did vacuuming, dishes, dusting, laundry,drying, grocery shopping, we both did. I even carried and stacked logs alongside. That was a workout.

Did I stray off topic again? Sorry...it was festive meal prep related🙈😎
Well I felt the need to address this briefly, sorry for going off topic and I don't want to start a new thread topic.

I am completely an advocate of women being independent! I put myself through college and worked two jobs while doing so and paid all my own bills. I also owned and operated two successful small businesses before I met my husband over 21 years ago. That being said, everyone has to do what works for them, and I found out early on in this relationship that I didn't like the way he cleans so I would rather do it myself. He will do anything I ask most of the time but I am just going to end up redoing it to my satisfaction, so why bother asking?

I hate taking out the trash and doing yardwork so that's on him. I am not getting on a ladder and cleaning out the gutters or anything like that, I don't like heights. I have taken out the trash only a handful of times over the years when he was out of town and that's it, and I never have to ask him to do it. When hubby's kids were young, he bought most of the groceries and I cooked, cleaned, and watched the kids while he worked. Now that the kids are all grown and on their own, I buy the food as well as cook it and I still do the cleaning up. He can cook some things but he is very messy so I would prefer he did not, plus when he puts things away it takes me a long time to find them, LOL. However, I have never made a house payment on this house or on my cars, I don't pay any bills other than my vehicle registration each year and any credit card bills I have, and all the rest of any money I have goes into my investment accounts, which are all in my name. He doesn't ask me for money or to contribute financially so it works out fine that I pay for and cook our food.

Part of being in a successful relationship is discovering each others strengths and weaknesses and splitting up household duties and financial responsibilities to however works best, IMO.

Hubby made some fresh fried walleye fish for dinner last night with fried potatoes, and I made some sauteed spinach. It was awesome. It took me half an hour this morning to clean up all the grease from the stove, counters, and floor, LOL. Tonight we will probably have a seafood and veggie pasta for dinner. I'll be doing the cooking!!!!!
My meal for today is skipped. Whether it's the heat or the fact that I didn't have hot coffee, but instead, the iced honey cream coffees, I can't say. I just wasn't hungry beyond the two DeMetz caramel turtles and a couple pieces of swiss cheese to snack on.

But what the heck, a day without fixing up a meal is a switch in habits and gives a bit of variety to the endless procession of days.
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