What did you cook or eat today (August 2021)?

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Lasagne, homemade.

As you may deduce from the next two images, the timer on my Halogen Oven is playing up again. I shall be replacing the top bit shortly if anyone has any ideas what only the bowl and/or stand may be used for?

Fruit bowl? Salad bowl? Fruit salad bowl? Mixing bowl?
Possibly the first is the most practical, if you agree.
It is a nice photo too.
Fruit bowl? Salad bowl? Fruit salad bowl? Mixing bowl?
Possibly the first is the most practical, if you agree.
It is a nice photo too.

Well, we don't eat that much fruit (it's 12 litre capacity) and it's really a bit big for a salad bowl also. We have a 6 litre mixing bowl already. I was thinking more of an outside job (it takes up a lot of room).

However, as it still works except for the timer, my wife has decided to give it to the recycle man.

We bought a new one today, half price Cuzimate (around £20.00).
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Well, we don't eat that much fruit (it's 12 litre capacity) and it's really a bit big for a salad bowl also. We have a 6 litre mixing bowl already. I was thinking more of an outside job (it takes up a lot of room).

However, as it still works except for the timer, my wife has decided to give it to the recycle man.

We bought a new one today, half price Cuzimate (around £18.00).
Very well done!
I love the big menu and the big font saying Welcome to...(oh I did not scroll down to how you found the food)
Oh ok, so you enjoyed it, good!
Happy birthday to Mrs T!🎉🥂🍰✨🍀

Fruit bowl? Salad bowl? Fruit salad bowl? Mixing bowl?
Possibly the first is the most practical, if you agree.
It is a nice photo too.
I had an enameled dutch oven I left in the oven during the self-clean cycle, so all the enamel cracked and flaked all over it.

I was going to pitch it, and my neighbor asked for it. She turned it into a planter!

I had an enameled dutch oven I left in the oven during the self-clean cycle, so all the enamel cracked and flaked all over it.

I was going to pitch it, and my neighbor asked for it. She turned it into a planter!
Sorry about the Dutch oven. But I wish Miss T a belated happy birthday!
Simmered how? In water? That is a lot of garlic and onion....
Mainly, the water/liquid released by the onions (and later, the pork).

It took a few hours, but it got there. I also had some sticking in the pot, so I had to do a few rounds of boiling water and baking soda to get that up. Once it had reduced, I put it all in a smaller pot to simmer in the oven...and it simmered over and got all over everything in the oven, so now that's going through its four-hour cleaning cycle.

I was pretty irritated, TBH, partly due to that and partly because of my doctor visit earlier yesterday, but when it was all done, I had MrsT taste it (this is her home-cooked birthday meal - somehow, she gets three: home-cooked, local restaurant, and fancy restaurant 🤷🏻‍♂️), and for all that work, I thought, "This stuff better be good!"

She tasted it and flipped her lid, and it should be even better today, because it's sat overnight.

You'll see it posted later today.
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