That’s better than I could do. At about 11 seconds, you’d see the camera get knocked over and hear me cussing up a storm.I've always been useless at recording videos even with VHS but I thought I'd give it a fresh go today. Simple subject; just mixing up char siu noodles. Points for style, content and technical ability not required.
At about 11 seconds, you’d see the camera get knocked over and hear me cussing up a storm.
Excellent! On any given day, that’s my favorite style of pizza. I’m lucky that I can get Widmer’s brick cheese here, as well as a few other brands, so I make it every so often (though I don’t have the blue steel pans for it, so I use a round cake pan!).We just had about 60 people come in from out of town for a celebration. One of the midwesterners brought me some brick cheese, which is unobtanium here. So Detroit style pizza was mandatory.
View attachment 89033
Nice one....welcome to the World of content creation. 🙂I've always been useless at recording videos even with VHS but I thought I'd give it a fresh go today. Simple subject; just mixing up char siu noodles. Points for style, content and technical ability not required.
Japanese-themed grilled mackerel (I think my Japanese styling and presentation needs some work):
View attachment 89043
I see these pairing so well with mustard.I made some meat pies today. I'll upload a video tonight if I have the time.
View attachment 89051
You're like some parents I know who secretly tell one of their multiple children that they are their favorite child and not to tell the others (and they do that with all of their children on a regular basis, LOL). I think you do that with pizza!Excellent! On any given day, that’s my favorite style of pizza. I’m lucky that I can get Widmer’s brick cheese here, as well as a few other brands, so I make it every so often (though I don’t have the blue steel pans for it, so I use a round cake pan!).