I'll have a Taylor ham (pork roll) and cheese sandwich for lunch.
My favorite pork roll isn't Taylor brand, but It's still called Taylor ham. I've worked at places that sell Taylor ham that is actually Trenton brand. It's just custom in New Jersey to call all pork roll Taylor ham.
This is what I like.
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In South Jersey, the only name I ever heard it called was pork roll. My parents and grandparents called it pork roll. I never heard the name "Taylor Ham" until I was an adult. I call it pork roll to this day.
I need to get some soon (Boar's Head distributes it down here). Pork roll with white American cheese on a hamburger bun (fried egg optional) is a childhood favorite. We ate it pretty regularly when I was a kid. Now, I buy some once or twice a year.
Just curious, do you eat Subs, or Hoagies? That's another North/South Jersey thing.