What did you cook or eat today (June 2024)

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Did you eat that whole thing or was that for you and MrsT to share? It doesn't appear to be cut in half. I see sauerkraut on it, but what's the other brown stuff on that monster?
Sadly, I had to share it. Such is (married) life… 😔 :laugh:

That’s kraut and German mustard. We also had a pretzel the size of a large cat. Dessert is coming up shortly.
Sadly, I had to share it. Such is (married) life… 😔 :laugh:

That’s kraut and German mustard. We also had a pretzel the size of a large cat. Dessert is coming up shortly.
I just saw another photo of you holding the beers and also noticed you have such a trim figure, there's no way you could have eaten that whole thing (and the pretzel and the dessert) and been able to move, methinks...MrsT would have had to roll you out in a wheelbarrow!

Dessert…part 1.
I am sad to hear it. And shame on them that they try to claim any affiliation with Tennessee southern cooking.

It's got me craving brisket though, maybe the brisket isn't too bad? Ribs I KNOW you can do better at home. Smoked brisket is a time-consuming challenge, though.
Smoked brisket is so easy, it's just waiting. If you put it on before you go to bed, by the time you wake up, it's going to be at about stall temp, then just wrap and wait until 203, then rest.
Cooking with kids is such a great experience. I made a seafood thermadore a few days ago. Five year old grandson “helped”. He missed the part about wait until I tell you when to add something. He added the cheese, melted butter and breadcrumbs for the topping in. Didn’t ruin the meal but it wasn’t near as good. I took it in stride. You never get those moments back. He had fun and that is what counts.
Smoked brisket is so easy, it's just waiting. If you put it on before you go to bed, by the time you wake up, it's going to be at about stall temp, then just wrap and wait until 203, then rest.
But I think TastyReuben would have to go buy a smoker, so it's not as easy for him as you think...
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