What did you cook or eat today (June 2024)

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Threw together some bolognese style sauce and cooked some rather expensive but totally worth it gluten free pasta to swim in it 😆

Unlike most gluten free pasta's this one cooked exactly like normal pasta and tasted good in its own right. Will definitely buy it again.


Catch up...

Hubby has been away for 3 nights and I've been quite busy as a result.

First night he was away I had a vegan freezer meal which was surprisingly good.


The next night, I forget what I had and I didn't photo it...

Then I had

And tonight, I raided the freezer and came out with an Indian stew (chickpeas and mushrooms) which i served over roasted cauliflower.


Thursday night in Nottingham before the Nick Mason gig (Lullabelle getting all unnecessary sat in front of Gary Kemp), Zaap Thai Streetfood Cafe, mad that it was so busy at 6pm on a weeknight. Laab Moo, Som Tam, Gai Satay and Roast Duck Bao. This may be my new favourite restaurant in Nottingham.
Friday off so finally we tried a restaurant we have been meaning to go to for ages, Dom in Thurlaston. Adam Richman went there when he did his series 'Eats Britain' - I have no idea if that has been shown in America yet.
Lunch today: Arancini, Black Pudding, Wagu Tacos, Crab Croquettes, Cabbage with Caesar Dressing and a Dessert.
We will be back in the evening for a proper go at the menu either for my birthday, or our anniversary. It was excellent.
Freezer stash.
A variation on Kung Pao chicken, a variation because I used pine nuts instead of cashews.

Went down very well, I know this cos everyone had seconds and then reloaded their plates to save themselves more for later on.

I enjoyed it too but I knew what was coming having taste tested it so many times I was full before I sat down 😆


Gave everyone a little bowl of prawn crackers along side.
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