What did you cook or eat today (June 2024)

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You are right. It is a mind shift. Liking the idea. My blender is out of function for wet ingredients...but perhaps precooking a soup and then chilling it and eating it several times might help...I like the coconut and avocado one, I read through all 4 recipes...I am out of luck with avocados lately, just threw out 1 last night, not a bit to save.
I might have to tweak and change ingredients to local ones, but it is a good thinking avenue.

From my Grandma, and our Bulgarian summers, I viv8dly and fondly remember The cucumber yoghurt garlic cold soup. They call ot Tarator. It resembles tzatziki, I guess, but more liquidy.

Btw, my yoghurt maker arrived yesterday😁...still to unpack , clean, order thr ferment...but things are moving.

We recently came across a cold soup called "ajo blanco" which is accidentally vegan. It's made with bread, almonds and garlic. I can't remember if you're OK with nuts though. It's one we've made repeatedly this last summer.

There was another called "Porra de Antequera" as well which was bread, tomatoes, capsicum peppers. That was also excellent. If you're interested, let me know and I'll write then up.
. I can't remember if you're OK with nuts though. It's one we've made repeatedly this last summer.

There was another called "Porra de Antequera" as well which was bread, tomatoes, capsicum peppers.
Oh wow...that sounds intriguing! I just ran into a cold soba mentioning, so that too is an option...or a variation thereof...

Nuts, no worries, I can tweak if needed, almonds, pecans, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, are all ok with me.

Now that you mention Porra, there was a Poparra, eaten for breakfast, which could be a variety of things, bread soaked in milk, bread dissolved in tea, sprinkled with smoked dry paprika...

I am very interested, yes! Much appreciated. Your version, in particular, as it avoids dairy as well. But if you have many tasks, I can also Google recipes! So please do not overburden yourself.💚
Oven baked pasta with mozzarella, tomato and basil
Ajo blanco, with a twist. Actually like it a lot.
Thank you SatNavSaysStraightOn for the recommendation!

To avoid stomach issues with fresh garlic, I soaked 1 clove in 150ml of boiling vegetable stock. For about 10 min. The gluten free bread in almond milk, soaked equally long.

Blended with a stick blender. Added pumpkin seed oil ( inner circle) and soy sauce (outer circle). Freshly baked cashews and a prosciutto slice to garnish.

Very easy to assemble, and is sufficiently satieting.
Last night's spread. I thought "let's just make it easy, so some lovely fresh bread,some wonderful cheese ( smoked cheddar, sharp cheddar, Point Reyes blue, Taleggio, Humboldt Fog, Camembert and some aged goat cheese), a little tin of paté de foie, almonds, fig jam, mango chutney,Moutard de Meaux) and some Iberico ham, aged salami and Summer Sausage! All washed down with a bottle of Bordeaux blanc and a Cabernet Sauvignon (Los Alamos) from Mendoza, Argentina:
Cheese board 170624.jpg
Cheese board 2 170624.jpg
MrsT smells cabbage, onion, garlic frying and she thinks it’s the best smell ever! :laugh:
That smell is the acid in the cabbage invading the chlorophyll molecules, causing the cabbage to turn a "grayish" color and releasing sulfur, causing that "smell" that people don't like. You can prevent this by cooking the cabbage very quickly and using a lot of water (if boiling it).
Last night's spread. I thought "let's just make it easy, so some lovely fresh bread,some wonderful cheese ( smoked cheddar, sharp cheddar, Point Reyes blue, Taleggio, Humboldt Fog, Camembert and some aged goat cheese), a little tin of paté de foie, almonds, fig jam, mango chutney,Moutard de Meaux) and some Iberico ham, aged salami and Summer Sausage! All washed down with a bottle of Bordeaux blanc and a Cabernet Sauvignon (Los Alamos) from Mendoza, Argentina:
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Please send all leftovers to Puggles.
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