What did you cook or eat today (March 2022)?

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Irish burgers, mashed potato cakes with pancetta and cabbage, grilled beef patty, slaw made with homemade garlic aioli, tomatoes, and a dollop of garlic aioli on top. Came out pretty darn good.
Had a hankering for chicken livers, normally I eat them with wilted greens but there were no greens here so I improvised with some zucchini & green beans.

I had the seed filled end of that troboncino to use up and also half a small jar of home made pesto & loads of leftover rice.

I also had lamb loin chops in the freezer, potatoes that needed using and a mild addiction to roast carrots.



And some success on a mushroom forage

Today I’m in isolation awaiting a Corona test so I cooked soup by proxy (text messages & face time) with my partner and son.

Chicken legs, onion, celery, carrots, garlic, ginger & chilli all into about 6 litres of water with 6 chicken stock cubes simmered for 2 hours. Reduced by about a third.

Had my partner shred the chicken and put it back in with lots of freshly cracked black pepper. Then had son taste for salt because he’s better at it than his dad.

It was pretty good, once I added more salt & pepper to my bowl. I do love salt and I’m quite congested so it’s probably perfect.
Today I’m in isolation awaiting a Corona test so I cooked soup by proxy (text messages & face time) with my partner and son.

Chicken legs, onion, celery, carrots, garlic, ginger & chilli all into about 6 litres of water with 6 chicken stock cubes simmered for 2 hours. Reduced by about a third.

Had my partner shred the chicken and put it back in with lots of freshly cracked black pepper. Then had son taste for salt because he’s better at it than his dad.

It was pretty good, once I added more salt & pepper to my bowl. I do love salt and I’m quite congested so it’s probably perfect.
I hope you don't have covid, or at least it will only be a mild case. I had it in January, very mild. They say Omicron is less likely to cause someone to lose sense of smell and taste, but I did and several other people I know did as well. Hard to detect salt for sure, good call getting your son to do that.

The soup sounds great!
There is quite a difference in taste when you try the 2 alongside each other but I think that difference is lost in the chutney because of all the other flavours, especially the spices.
However looking up cider vinegar online, it seems that aged pear cider vinegar is a 'thing. And more to the point, it can be made from all of the bits (peel, core & bruised stuff) that I've been discarding. Plus ACV has been the biggest expense after the onions and dried fruit, so making my own from the waste products of this year's chutney will make next year's chutney cheaper still.
Wonderful! I will look into it, I love pears, and the economic side of it, is very close to my heart too.
Today I’m in isolation awaiting a Corona test so I cooked soup by proxy (text messages & face time) with my partner and son.

Chicken legs, onion, celery, carrots, garlic, ginger & chilli all into about 6 litres of water with 6 chicken stock cubes simmered for 2 hours. Reduced by about a third.

Had my partner shred the chicken and put it back in with lots of freshly cracked black pepper. Then had son taste for salt because he’s better at it than his dad.

It was pretty good, once I added more salt & pepper to my bowl. I do love salt and I’m quite congested so it’s probably perfect.
Fingers crossed it goes away as a piece of cake. Stay strong.
Oh so much catching up to do, here are the most recent ...

A mexican attempt, with gluten free wrap, which tasted quite good really, and some of my canned goods, baked beans, those were great too, some canned corn, fried pork mince, and a touch of chilli powder.

Then, for on the go, a quiche with white corn and yellow corn flours and wholegrain flour, filled with corn (canned, leftover from the mexican attempt), eggs and soy milk. The dough has a bit of chilli powder in it. It tasted lovely.





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