What did you cook or eat today (November 2020)?

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Various Salads and leaves from the garden veg plot.
Mashed Chickpeas with mashed avo, germinating lentils and beans, lime juice and edmanme beans. tofu pieces fried in balsamic glaze, grated carrots in mayo, various fruit & veg
And the black seeds? Looks like poppy seeds...
Happy Thanks Giving Day!


And the black seeds? Looks like poppy seeds...
Yes, indeed. Home grown ones as well.
Shhh... I think our site owner SatNavSaysStraightOn hates chia seeds.
They are ok. I'm not hugely enamored with them but do tolerate them. Actually prefer tapioca pudding tbh! Or polenta, but they have their place. Some biscuits we love that are gluten free as well as dairy free (when meant we could share them with my mother when she was here, neither of us is gluten intolerant) use chia seeds but both of us do find ourselves pulling chia seeds out of teeth for hours afterwards, particularly one hole in one of my molars that dentists refuse to do anything with because the actual filling is still there, but the cap isn't. However drilling out the filling would result in a hole that would now destroy the tooth completely so I spend my life removing stuff from that tooth and going back for seconds on everything I ate! Thank goodness for wooden tooth picks...
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