What did you cook or eat today (September 2022)?

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We are back from a short visit to Paris, France. And it is a back to school here, on Sept 5th. This is a hotel quiche, salmon, broccoli. One of the rare out-of-my-eating-needs trials. Some reaction, but not too severe, ok. Daughter tried a lovely eclaire, filled and drizzled with chocolate, she said it was fantastic. I might find a pic of it in the coming days.

And Sacre Coeur, one of my fav spots.

We had several McDonalds meals while in Paris. My daughter's desire. It was good. And Starbucks, also her desire, I have not figured it out yet, why she was so keen on it, she does not drink coffee, she loved the donuts though and the water bottle with the logo on it...
So this was a decaff latte with almond milk with my name on it. That was fun. In front of the beautiful St Michaels fountain, and the other pic is the amazing Luxembourg garden. We did a lot of walking, a lot.

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We had several McDonalds meals while in Paris. My daughter's desire. It was good. And Starbucks, also her desire, I have not figured it out yet, why she was so keen on it, she does not drink coffee, she loved the donuts though and the water bottle with the logo on it...
So this was a decaff latte with almond milk with my name on it. That was fun. In front of the beautiful St Michaels fountain, and the other pic is the amazing Luxembourg garden. We did a lot of walking, a lot.
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You look so happy and relaxed! I loved too Luxembourg garden (well, who doesn’t love it? ☺️). I walked barefoot on the grass (it was allowed) while drinking something I don’t remember, but possibly a coffee.
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