What did you eat or cook today (December 2024)?

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Evening meal, salad and rice, rosemary and courgette cake with a tomato and basil sauce.

Homemade bread, good butter, and orange marmalade.

Before that, some salami slices with some of those fresh mozzarella pearls we had yesterday.

Before that, a sandwich made with old-fashioned (aka Dutch) loaf - that might be a good one for the home lunchmeat makers (looks over in the direction of SandwichShortOfAPicnic and Barriehie:whistling: ).
Homemade bread, good butter, and orange marmalade.

Before that, some salami slices with some of those fresh mozzarella pearls we had yesterday.

Before that, a sandwich made with old-fashioned (aka Dutch) loaf - that might be a good one for the home lunchmeat makers (looks over in the direction of SandwichShortOfAPicnic and Barriehie:whistling: ).
I *must* build a smoking hut, house, box, whatever that can hold a deer next year...
It is from a secret source called M&S.

Half way through microwaving I add extra salt and pepper and beat in a good knob of butter. There is no point me making it from scratch, I couldn't make it any better.
I’m laughing because I almost always make mashed potatoes from scratch, but the other day, when I posted up those buttered noodles with mashed potatoes…those were the same as what you described - a few minutes in the nuker, stir, a few minutes more, stir in a big knob of butter, and serve.

MrsT: “God, this really hits the spot! Whatever you did with these potatoes, don’t forget it - they’re the best you’ve made in a long time!”

🤨 😆
I’m laughing because I almost always make mashed potatoes from scratch, but the other day, when I posted up those buttered noodles with mashed potatoes…those were the same as what you described - a few minutes in the nuker, stir, a few minutes more, stir in a big knob of butter, and serve.

MrsT: “God, this really hits the spot! Whatever you did with these potatoes, don’t forget it - they’re the best you’ve made in a long time!”

🤨 😆
Those bags with all the flavors are so easy! Throw on some chopped green onions... 🤫
Homemade bread, good butter, and orange marmalade.

Before that, some salami slices with some of those fresh mozzarella pearls we had yesterday.

Before that, a sandwich made with old-fashioned (aka Dutch) loaf - that might be a good one for the home lunchmeat makers (looks over in the direction of SandwichShortOfAPicnic and Barriehie:whistling: ).
Looks more straight forward than my usual mash ups so why not 👍
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