What made you smile recently (2023)?

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A Texan walked into a bar in Dublin, sat on a stool and addressed the locals.
" You Irish reckon you're drinkers: well I tell you what! You're just a load of pussy cats compared to Texan drinkers! PUSSY CATS! I'll bet $500 that no-one in here can drink 10 pints of Guiness in a row!! $500!"
Not one of the locals took on the challenge, and one bloke actually got up and left.

Half an hour later, the bloke came back, tapped the Texan on the shoulder and said:
"Right. I'll take you on."
They lined up 10 pints on the counter and the bloke drank them all, without stopping.
The Texan was amazed and gave him the $500.
"Just one question, though," said Tex. "Why did you leave and then come back?"
The bloke answered:
" Well I wasn't sure I could do it, so I went to the pub down the road to practise first"

I do have to confess that my ex-wife did learn how to help me with my boat, with minimal damage. No problems with docking, actually, it was when she wanted to learn to back the boat trailer down the boat ramp that the 💩 hit the fan.

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I do have to confess that my ex-wife did learn how to help me with my boat, with minimal damage. No problems with docking, actually, it was when she wanted to learn to back the boat trailer down the boat ramp that the 💩 hit the fan.

Add reading a map. Nearly cost .my marriage in uk over 2 months.

Tina told me up front that she couldn't read a map. I had to write down turn by turn instructions for her to follow.


I still have the map I spent an hour going over the night before.felt pen the direction. Next morning within 30 mins we were lost and map thrown in the back.
It tested my patience i can tell you.

Add reading a map. Nearly cost .my marriage in uk over 2 months.

With respect to maps, when we first started driving farther, I said, “Ok, you need to navigate for me,” and she replied, “I can’t read a map in the car, I get carsick.”

“Ok, you’re gonna need to drive, then, and I’ll navigate.”

“I can’t drive more than an hour, or I fall asleep at the wheel.”

Even marked next pages didn't help. Lol
In end I wrote key roundabouts etc and turns on piece of paper. Rest of our 1 month I got chauffeur. Concierge were very good . Vancouver from memory $250 for day. Thailand $ 100 kiwi for day trip to bridge over kwai. Tours in Hawaii.

Driving through Paris, c 1973.

Me (driving): "I don't want to go anywhere near the Arc de Triomphe."

Map reader: "OK"

Me: "This is the Arc de Triomphe!"

Map reader: "Is it?"

We managed to extricate ourselves after 10 circuits.

Me: "Get me away from here"

Map reader: "Go to the end of this street (a six lane one way street) and turn left"

Me: "OK"

Map reader: "Not that left, the other way".

Me then having no choice but to turn left.

Me: "This is the Arc de Triomphe!"
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Driving through Paris, c 1973.

Me (driving): "I don't want to go anywhere near the Arc de Triomphe."

Map reader: "OK"

Me: "This the Arc de Triomphe!"

Map reader: "Is it?"

We managed to extricate ourselves after 10 circuits.

Me: "Get me away from here"

Map reader: "Go to the end of this street (a six lane one way street) and turn left"

Me: "OK"

Map reader: "not that left, the other way".

Me then having no choice but to turn right.

Me: "This the Arc de Triomphe!"
I wouldn't attempt to drive in paris In 98 at end of tour de France. It was manic.

I wouldn't attempt to drive in paris In 98 at end of tour de France. It was manic.


I refused to drive in Paris or Rome. No way! London was actually pretty easy. NYC doesn't phase me. Paris or Rome? Not a chance.

I wouldn't attempt to drive in paris In 98 at end of tour de France. It was manic.


Driving in Milan wasn't much easier, however, my wife wasn't the map reader then. And in Milan the car was left hand drive.
Driving in Milan wasn't much easier, however, my wife wasn't the map reader then. And in Milan the car was left hand drive.

I've driven some right hand drive cars in the US, and in the UK. It is much easier when you drive on the side of the road that the car was intended for.

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