This week I had an email from the Finance Department of His Majesty's Passport Office and was asked to ring them in UK to discuss reimbursement of my costs involved in contacting them last August (£10.32).
I was driving home from my doctor's appointment, and on NPR they did a story on an event in France Called La Dictée Geante. It is a big Dictation contest.
The story was about three minutes long, and the word "Dictée" is spoken many times. Thing is, spoken fast, at least by this narrator, it sounded like dic* day. "It's dic* day in Paris." When you hear it about 50 times in three minutes, it starts to get funny.
So I was a little drunk and craving munchies a bit ago. Congratulated myself on finishing off a bowl of lovely fresh cherries instead of junk food, but then looked at my Kitchen Aid sitting on the counter. She and her bowl hold my salty snacks. Mean mugging grinch. I just ate a bunch of cheese puffs because of her. She's got a one-eyed snarky smile, look at her!
One inaccuracy... by 2021, he had switched to, "Lock up the Biden crime family!" BTW, that's a campaign promise to his cult if he gets elected in 2024.
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