What made you smile recently (2024)?

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I's just a play on differences between men and women, not anything offensive.
Oh. I suppose it didn't occur to me that women did gardening any differently than men. Most male gardeners I have known have gluts of this, that and the other. And I don't understand what fish has to do with it either. :scratchhead:
Oh. I suppose it didn't occur to me that women did gardening any differently than men. Most male gardeners I have known have gluts of this, that and the other. And I don't understand what fish has to do with it either. :scratchhead:
There's an old saying along the lines of

"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life."

It's just a joke playing on that saying. Don't overthink it or try to see logic in it.
There's an old saying along the lines of

"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life."

It's just a joke playing on that saying. Don't overthink it or try to see logic in it.

I didn't know the saying so I suppose that's why I didn't get it. Still don't understand what its got to do with a male v. female differences. Do women tend to grow vegetables more than men in the USA?

OK, I suppose I'm overthinking it! I actually thought there was a phallic reference somehow in the joke. :laugh:
Do women tend to grow vegetables more than men in the USA?
Nothing to do with the joke (I think), but where I live, it’s generally assumed that men grow the vegetables and women grow flowers and herbs.

Completely untrue, of course, but that’s the stereotype.
Nothing to do with the joke (I think), but where I live, it’s generally assumed that men grow the vegetables and women grow flowers and herbs.

Completely untrue, of course, but that’s the stereotype.
Depends on the area. More women than men tended to a family garden with vegetables where I grew up and where my dad lived in Mississippi.

Only the "ladies that lunched" had flower gardens, other than rose bushes of course.
Depends on the area.
I laugh at two things:

My neighbors, the wife has a beautiful way with flowers. Her landscaping is gorgeous.

At some point, she interrupts all she’s doing with that and has her husband till up a small plot for some vegetables, and whenever I ask her about it, she’s says, “Yeah, I promised to plant them, and he’s promised to tend them.”

She goes back to her flowers, and…no one ever sets foot in the vegetable plot again. It starts growing, then the weeds take it, and the dog digs it, and the deer eat it, and that’s that. Happens every year.

Second thing, we have several folks who walk up and down our road, and every year, the same people say the same thing: “Oh, MrsT, your flowers look so good, you’ll have to tell me how you pot those and arrange them, they’re perfect!”

And every year, she says, “Talk to my husband, I don’t know a damn thing about it!” :laugh:
OK, I suppose I'm overthinking it!
Yep, absolutely, but it's a stereotype. My ex from university ( who is my very best friend in the UK) has the most wonderful garden; and she does it. Her husband hasn't got a clue. My wife hasn't got a clue either, but ask her to decorate the house with what I grow and it's fabulous. I wouldn't have a clue.
Depends on the area. More women than men tended to a family garden with vegetables where I grew up and where my dad lived in Mississippi.

Only the "ladies that lunched" had flower gardens, other than rose bushes of course.
Off topic. We can move these posts to a new thread.

Ah I see. It's about even in the UK, I think and nobody would think that women were better gardeners than men or vice versa or that one or other would be more .likely to grow flowers. When I was a kid my Dad did all the gardening (flowers and vegetables) but my Mum was blind so that may be why. I'm not sure if that was the norm. It might have been because I recall in those days that most allotments (allocated council plots where vegetables could be grown) were tended by men. I think the culture is very different here In the UK.. There is a long history of male horticulturalists who wrote books, and nurtured all types of flowers and vegetables. That has all changed now with as many men as women in the profession and as hobbyists. I suppose the tradition of male gardeners goes back to the head gardeners in stately homes.

Bloke goes into an East end of London café for breakfast. he says to the man behind the counter:
" I want 2 eggs, bacon, 2 sausage, baked beans and fried bread. The eggs I want to be so rubbery I can bounce them off the table. The bacon, like it just came out of a nuclear explosion. The sausages , cooked so I can bang a nail into the floorboards with 'em, the baked beans, cold on top, boiling hot in the middle and burnt on the bottom, and the fried bread, black as the ace o ' spades"
Man behind the counter says:
" WHAT?? You nuts? Come on mate, I haven't got time to do that!"
Bloke says:
"Well you did yesterday!"
:hyper: :hyper:
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