What made you smile recently?

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My usual is the boxer-brief, but in fashion colors. I do own three pairs of tighty-whities, bought by mistake, because I needed some white undies to wear with my white jeans, and I didn't look at the pack closely enough when I bought them.

I'm starting to think we need a "Show Us Your Underpants" topic! 😉
You want to know the difference men and women? This!!!

I was posting free stuff on Freecycle in my neighborhood and was giving away some swimwear (I wouldn't use used swimwear but other people are fine with it). This woman emailed me to find out more about the swimwear and wraps and I replied telling her my bust size and how each piece is made for bustier women. Two seconds later, I realized that I sent the reply to the WHOLE group! I was mortified. I immediately unsubscribed as I just couldn't "face" everyone in our zip code knowing my bra size!

Yet, here you guys are just chatting up about all of that with no hesitation. ;-)
I sold my wedding gown from my ex. This was in the early 1980s. Ran an ad in the paper and got lots of phone calls from guys calling for "their fiancee" asking me very detailed questions about my figure. I fell for it the first couple of times, but wised up and told them their "fiancee" could call me if she was interested, but I wouldn't be talking to them.
Some places have changed more than others, I still have a couple of female work colleagues whose husbands never lift a finger and their families expect a full meal on the table.
Commenting on the one that says, "So the harder a wife works...," I read an article a while back that compared what men find sexy versus what women find sexy.

Men, it was a lot of physical things, but the women overwhelmingly were more like that guy in the old ad...they found it sexy when their partner was doing something domestic, like doing the washing up or putting a piece of IKEA furniture together. :laugh:
Some places have changed more than others, I still have a couple of female work colleagues whose husbands never lift a finger and their families expect a full meal on the table.

I went to a race night a few years ago, one woman about 70 was running around after her husband, getting him drinks and food, he just sat there in his chair, I was gob smacked. I asked her if her husband was disabled, to which she replied , no he's not, he just likes me fussing over him. I said so you're married to a lazy bastard? She just looked at me and walked away.
True story, I couldn't believe what I saw right in front of me.

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