What made you smile recently?

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I went to a race night a few years ago, one woman about 70 was running around after her husband, getting him drinks and food, he just sat there in his chair, I was gob smacked. I asked her if her husband was disabled, to which she replied , no he's not, he just likes me fussing over him. I said so you're married to a lazy bastard? She just looked at me and walked away.
True story, I couldn't believe what I saw right in front of me.

Both my parents and in-laws are/were like that. That is/was the natures of their relationships.
I was always taught to
Have manners
Stand on the bus so adults can sit
Respect elders
Open doors for people.
Perhaps I'm old fashioned??

No, it doesn't have anything to do with that, I mean both my folks and my in-laws, the wives looked after the husbands like servants, waited on their every need and want.

My dad, even before dementia, wouldn't be able to find anything in the kitchen, or have the first clue about washing a load of laundry. He's never done anything like that.
No, it doesn't have anything to do with that, I mean both my folks and my in-laws, the wives looked after the husbands like servants, waited on their every need and want.

My dad, even before dementia, wouldn't be able to find anything in the kitchen, or have the first clue about washing a load of laundry. He's never done anything like that.

Wow, my grandparents were the complete opposite, my granddad would make breky for us three when I stayed with them as a kid. 50/50 on household duties. My dad disappeared when I was four so mum did everything even digging the garden. Until I got old enough to share the hard lifting around home. That's where cooking kicked in with me, that and school cooking classes.

Wow, my grandparents were the complete opposite, my granddad would make breky for us three when I stayed with them as a kid. 50/50 on household duties. My dad disappeared when I was four so mum did everything even digging the garden. Until I got old enough to share the hard lifting around home. That's where cooking kicked in with me, that and school cooking classes.

When my mom was in the hospital overnight, my dad called my sister to come make him a lunchmeat sandwich, because he had no clue where anything was kept. :laugh:
When my mom was in the hospital overnight, my dad called my sister to come make him a lunchmeat sandwich, because he had no clue where anything was kept. :laugh:

Different times in different countries. Kiwis are known to make stuff out of nothing due to isolation on farms etc. Bill hamilton invented the jet engine only a few hours from me. Jet boats that is.

Different times in different countries. Kiwis are known to make stuff out of nothing due to isolation on farms etc. Bill hamilton invented the jet engine only a few hours from me. Jet boats that is.

It's not about making something out of nothing, it was more about division of labor between men and women.

My parents would no more expect my dad to know how to make a sandwich any more than they'd expect my mom to know how to cut down a tree or fill driveway potholes. They both saw one as "woman's work" and one as "man's work" and divided it as such. They both preferred it that way and it worked, for the most part, for them. Different generation.
I went to a race night a few years ago, one woman about 70 was running around after her husband, getting him drinks and food, he just sat there in his chair, I was gob smacked. I asked her if her husband was disabled, to which she replied , no he's not, he just likes me fussing over him. I said so you're married to a lazy bastard? She just looked at me and walked away.
True story, I couldn't believe what I saw right in front of me.

Grandma's mentality is that women exist to serve men and in a marriage a wife must attend to everything the husband wants, clean the house, wash his clothes, cook his favorite meals and care for the children. If a man cheats or leaves you it's because you were not a good housewife. This is old school mentality but it was still the dominant mindset here in Portugal 30 or 40 years ago.
I'm posting this with a heavy heart...😥😔
I am giving away all my hobby materials, as I no longer have the desire to do anything with them. It is a lot of work with very little recognition. I am extremely tired, and have very little time to use them ...😥
Please don't ask any questions, as I can't handle talking about it anymore.
Below is a list of materials available.
Serious enquiries only please.
Thanks for reading and understanding.
Pick up only
1. Dustpan and broom
2. Sponges
3. Dusters
4. Mop and bucket
5. Window cleaner
6. Vacuum
7. Dishwashing liquid
8. Laundry detergent
9. Fabric softener
10. Laundry baskets
11. Toilet brush
12. Cleaning sprays
13. Scrubbing brushes
Private message me if interested.
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