What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? (2018-2022)

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and a mustard-dill sauce in a little jar.
Spooky Tasters mate, Mrs B went shopping on her own this morning and proudly presented me with a bottle of Honey and Dill Mustard which is a favorite of mine with fish. Is there something you wish to tell me ?
Tasters mate did the stollen have marzipan in the middle. We are scheduled to make ours on the 19th.
A thick rope of almond paste, which is nice.

Do IKEA sell hotdogs over there? I haven't been to one for years, but the hotdogs were fair compensation for the visit.
Yes, they do.
Went to the international market today:

Well, most of my Christmas stock has arrived now.

I have:
2 stuffed chickens ( frozen)
2 boxes of iced mince pies
1 box of Christmas cake
2 individual Christmas puddings
1 quality street tin
1 dairy milk selection box
1 tin Scottish shortbread
1 tin custard

As you can see I have opted for convience in some things, due to my chronic illness being able to make everything myself is unlikely this year.

Regular weekly produce shop:
Lamb shoarma
Greek yoghurt
Port Salut
Buffalo mozzarella
Camargue butter
Fleur de sel
Golden syrup
Tuna tins
Tomato tins ( San Marzano)
Edamame beans
7up cans
Do IKEA sell hotdogs over there? I haven't been to one for years, but the hotdogs were fair compensation for the visit.

Yes. They are dirt cheap. The IKEA cafes are closed for the pandemic, but the hot dog stand is still open.

However, COSTCO has a food court area, too, and their hot dogs are bigger (quarter pounders), better tasting and also dirt cheap -- a buck-fifty for a hot dog and a soft drink (with free refills on the drink).

Went to the international market today:

I've seen videos about Jungle Jim's. The place looks insane. If I am ever near one (not likely), I have to go check it out.

Yes. They are dirt cheap. The IKEA cafes are closed for the pandemic, but the hot dog stand is still open.
I was at IKEA in October and the restaurant was indeed closed, but yesterday, it was back open again. They had a sign up saying you have to check in with a host, presumably to limit numbers.

I've seen videos about Jungle Jim's. The place looks insane. If I am ever near one (not likely), I have to go check it out.

If you're ever going to be near one, I hope you let me know. There are only two, and either one is less than 40 minutes from my house. I'll give you a tour!
I need stuff to do my next Recipe Challenges as I was unable to get everything on the last trip, partly because the grocery I visited didn't have stuff and partly because I needed to be conservative, not to overflow my fridge.

I have since got a cooler and some Ice Packs to handle overflow, but still need to be cautious.

My trip to the grocer tomorrow morning will be looking for ....

Gouda Cheese
Harina, Yellow Corn
Ground Lamb (2)
8 Oz. Pecans
Pasta, Flat Noodles (Fettuccini or Pappardelli)
Potato Chips, Jalapeno

Y Peeler
Preserve Jars (Atlas or Baileys)
I was at IKEA in October and the restaurant was indeed closed, but yesterday, it was back open again. They had a sign up saying you have to check in with a host, presumably to limit numbers.

If you're ever going to be near one, I hope you let me know. There are only two, and either one is less than 40 minutes from my house. I'll give you a tour!

You'll give me a tour, but I bet you won't let me cook with you. :hyper:

I'll take up up on the tour. I have only been to Cincinnati one time since I lived there in 1973-1974, and I just made a connection. I never left the Cincinnati airport -- which is not even in Ohio. I'll let you explain that one if anyone wonders.

I'll take up up on the tour.
The couple of times I've taken people around Cincy, I've gotten the comment halfway through, "Why is everything you're taking me to food or drink related?" :laugh:

@TastyReuben won't let anyone cook with him.
The best time is going somewhere and having someone else cook for both of us! :)
The couple of times I've taken people around Cincy, I've gotten the comment halfway through, "Why is everything you're taking me to food or drink related?" :laugh:

caseydog won't say that. Neither would I. Show me the Cincy murals and the best food and drink. :okay:
caseydog won't say that. Neither would I. Show me the Cincy murals and the best food and drink. :okay:

I actually lived in Cincy for two years as a kid. I would have been around 12-13 years old. It is a nice place -- if you are a kid. Of course, the time I lived there was punctuated by a F5 tornado that wiped out half of my town, so not all of my memories are fond ones. But, I did my first wilderness campout there at age 12. I hiked for miles with a backpack, learned to start a fire without matches, and cook on that fire with fish that we caught and greens that we gathered. Then, froze my a$$ off at night because my dad bought my camping gear, which was the cheapest camping gear on the planet.

Back on topic, I got my first "taste" of cooking good food with simple ingredients from that camping experience. I still sometimes shop that way, and cook that way. A good piece of meat, a potato, and a few simple veggies.

So MG, if you come to the US for just a week, I would skip Cincinnati. If you come here for six months, yeah, spend a week there one day.

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