What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today (2023)?

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After 3 months, my Care Package finally arrived.
Spices which were running short, my very favourite toor dal, some toys for my Indian Street food, and 3 kgs of real, proper tea. now I don't have to drink crappy tea bags in the morning. Life is good!!
Indian treats.jpg
I picked up some Pork Roll today. I can't buy it sliced at the deli counter by weight, anymore. I have to buy it like this. It freezes fine, so I don't have to eat it all this week.

Notice the word "ham" is nowhere on the package (k-girl). :D


MrsT’s crazy-expensive coffee, and some “French-style” lentils (I now have two bags of lentils) - I like the “West Coast-grown for our own unique terroir” comment :laugh: :

New flavor of Chex, so I have to try that, and found a new pita bread that’s a mere point for WW. First time I’ve seen cherry plums at Kroger, so trying those as well:

Fennel bulbs were so small, I had to buy two:

I swear, Kroger employs someone at the apple-packing warehouse to make sure each bag of apples gets one, and only one, bad one.

We liked the last Sun Crunch melon so much, I got another:
Oooooo, I have to try that Maple Brown Sugar Chex. I can't find Maple Brown Sugar Cheerios any more. :(

I picked up some Pork Roll today. I can't buy it sliced at the deli counter by weight, anymore. I have to buy it like this. It freezes fine, so I don't have to eat it all this week.

Notice the word "ham" is nowhere on the package (k-girl). :D

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One of our deli counters has that HUGE Taylor's Ham that you can have sliced to order, but I don't bother, mainly because that line is always so dang long, and I cut my own rather thick.
DH goes simply Ape Sh1+ when I do buy it.
I'm like you, I slice the whole thing, portion it out and freeze it.
I have a coupla cooked pieces of the stuff in the `fridge now and I'm surprised that he hasn't eaten it cold, by the light of the `fridge at midnight yet :laugh:
(btw, I just brought up your comment and he said "really? I've always called it Ham. Maybe it's a Philly thing?" :giggle:)
One of our deli counters has that HUGE Taylor's Ham that you can have sliced to order, but I don't bother, mainly because that line is always so dang long, and I cut my own rather thick.
DH goes simply Ape Sh1+ when I do buy it.
I'm like you, I slice the whole thing, portion it out and freeze it.
I have a coupla cooked pieces of the stuff in the `fridge now and I'm surprised that he hasn't eaten it cold, by the light of the `fridge at midnight yet :laugh:
(btw, I just brought up your comment and he said "really? I've always called it Ham. Maybe it's a Philly thing?" :giggle:)

I was born 40 miles from Philly, on the Jersey side of the river (my dad worked in Philly). I was about ten when we left, but I never heard the term "Taylor's Ham" until MANY years later, and wondered, "What's that?" I don't know how we learned two different things living so close to the same place back then.

Notice the word "ham" is nowhere on the package (k-girl).

One of our deli counters has that HUGE Taylor's Ham

Not knowing much about Taylor Ham Pork Roll, I did a little research and learned that the product, when first created, was called “Taylor Ham” by the maker, but the government stepped in and said, “That ain’t ham, quit callin’ it that,” so they renamed it “Taylor Pork Roll,” but for some people, the original name stuck, and persists to this day.

The interesting thing is, we have the exact same dilemma with a Cincy-only product here - Cottage Ham. It’s made from the shoulder, which isn’t ham, and so makers had to stop labeling it “Cottage Ham” and started labeling it “Cottage Butt” - but no one here calls it that, we all call it Cottage Ham and the butchers all call it Cottage Ham, so that’s that.

We also frequently call the shoulder “shoulder ham,” regardless of what the government says. :wink:
Not knowing much about Taylor Ham Pork Roll, I did a little research and learned that the product, when first created, was called “Taylor Ham” by the maker, but the government stepped in and said, “That ain’t ham, quit callin’ it that,” so they renamed it “Taylor Pork Roll,” but for some people, the original name stuck, and persists to this day.
That is so very interesting TastyReuben I did not know this. But then how would I, I'm from Hawaii. I'd never heard of either until I met DH and even then, it wasn't until DH took me "back East" and my then future SIL made us breakfast. DH asked me what I thought of Taylor's Ham and I said, "tastes like Spam® to me" Everyone was shocked, "WHAT?!" I took some home to Hawaii with us, frozen, and made some for my Dad, he said the same thing! :laugh:
But I'll have to share this with DH.
Maybe DH calls it "ham" due to his age?

caseydog DH grew up and lived 20 miles North of Philadelphia, on the PA side of the river and lived there until he moved to Hawaii.
caseydog DH grew up and lived 20 miles North of Philadelphia, on the PA side of the river and lived there until he moved to Hawaii.

Maybe it is a PA/NJ thing. I know it is Pork Roll in South Jersey, and Taylor Ham in North Jersey. Since Philadelphia is on a river, some of the suburbs are in PA, and Some in NJ. The river may be a split for the name.

BTW, it does not taste like SPAM to me. I like them both, but they taste different.

Curious. I always understood that SPAM was an acronym for Shoulder Pork and Ham.
That confuses things, doesn't it?
Ingredients for Tom Yam: Fresh tomatoes, tom yam stock cubes, cherry tomatoes, spring onions, shiitake mushrooms, button mushrooms, limes, fresh red and green chillis, galangal, kaffir lime leaves, fresh parsley, coriander root, lemon grass, fresh coriander leaf, chicken, shallots, freshwater prawns.

Actually, it means SPiced hAM.
Ken Daigneau, the brother of a company executive, won a $100 prize that year in a competition to name the new item.[7] Hormel states that the meaning of the name "is known by only a small circle of former Hormel Foods executives," but a popular belief is that the name is a contraction of "spiced ham."[7][8] It has also been speculated to be an acronym for "Shoulder of Pork And Ham."[9]

Another culinary mystery to add to Caesar Salad, Alfredo sauce and General Tsao's chicken :laugh: :laugh:
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