What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today (2024)?

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Things I'd actually planned on purchasing before I went in:
A visit to the seafood station. Sweetbreads. Fresh figs. Hen of the woods mushrooms. Lettuce (but had been hoping for Boston lettuce). Avocado oil (I'd knocked my earlier bottle off the counter, and while it hadn't broken, the lid came off and i lost most of the oil.)

Also wanted: ramps and nettles, which are usually carried here seasonally, but none in sight today.

Lunch today will be the spanakopita, done alas in the microwave, as i am NOT using the oven today or tomorrow - too danged hot w/out A/C. Not the best finale for phyllo but oh well.
So we needed sweet potatoes for this week coming.


You can see the normal sized earthy potatoes in the far top right of the photo.


That's my husband's hand for size (and no, he doesn't have small hands). We tried to pick a smallish one, but that weighed in at 0.95kg! Someone somewhere had a really good season for sweet potatoes!
Mix of Kroger and farmer’s market:


Whoopie pies, fry pies, dip, Muenster, Farmer’s, and Pepperoni cheeses, honey loaf (tastes like ham), and German old-fashioned bologna.

I have to tell a story about the German bologna. Last week, we bought the German bologna from one market, brought it home, tried it, and MrsT was head over heels for it. Loved it.

This week, I had to get it from the other market, mere seconds away on the same road - similar product, same name, different producer. Looks exactly the same.

Maybe you can see where this is headed.

I got home, and as is our custom, I pulled out a slice of every lunchmeat and cheese I bought, to try.

Gave her some honey loaf…some farmer’s cheese…some Muenster…and then I handed her a slice of the bologna.

“Oh god, it’s that bologna! I can tell! I love this stuff! I’m glad you got more, I ate the last two slices for lunch!”

Chomp chomp chomp

“Oh god, this stuff is sooooo good! I could eat the whole pound!”

“So…you like that?”

“Yeah, I like it!”

“And you had that for lunch a couple of hours ago?”

“Yeah, it’s great, get me another slice!”

“Well, that’s not the same brand as the other, the other was sold out. I had to get this at the other market.”

And without missing a beat:

“Oh, I knew that. I could tell. It’s not as good as the other.”


Smoked salmon
1 Arctic char fillet
1 rainbow trout
3 bone-in, skin on chicken thighs
Sweetbreads (frozen)
2 small lamb chops
Fresh figs
1 package hen of the woods mushrooms
1 package oyster mushrooms
1 head of red leaf lettuce
1 small bottle avocado oil
1 small bottle of balsamic vinegar reduction
1 can Amy's vegan Thai Coconut Soup
1 small wedge of Brie
2 store-made spanakopita.
5 cans cat food (not for me)

This is from a specialty grocery that i don't get to very often - my shopping cart rarely contains most, if any, of the above elsewhere. Maybe the lettuce or the chicken thighs, and very occasionally the oyster mushrooms.
Sorry I think I missed the invite but I am available 😂
New potatoes and a butternut squash. Would love to do a nice bake in the oven of the two.
Would even challenge myself to do a double bake on the potatoes. One of these days.
Today I bought sausage meat, puff pastry, split peas, Blue cheese, basil, cream cheese and butter.
I've been charged with preparing the food for my grandson's birthday on Sunday.
So far, I've decided on sausage rolls, Indian vadas, blue cheese shortbread, roasted red pepper dip and Mediterranean pinwheels with sundried tomato, cream cheese and pesto.
I may just have to add some other stuff there - my DIL says she's expecting about 40 people...
Today I bought sausage meat, puff pastry, split peas, Blue cheese, basil, cream cheese and butter.
I've been charged with preparing the food for my grandson's birthday on Sunday.
So far, I've decided on sausage rolls, Indian vadas, blue cheese shortbread, roasted red pepper dip and Mediterranean pinwheels with sundried tomato, cream cheese and pesto.
I may just have to add some other stuff there - my DIL says she's expecting about 40 people...

Um... no meat apart from the sausage meat? I thought your son ate nothing but meat...
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