okay okay okay okay OKAY WAIT A MINUTE HERE!!!!!
Two weeks ago, I purchased that same, small Chicken Pot Pie - 6 inch - for $13.95 + tax + 2% fee for using my credit card - that was on September 1st to exact - and then here we are 2 weeks later, and they GOUGED me $19.95 + + + + for the same 6 inch pot pie
I did try to justify the purchase as it was so very tasty, I figured, eh, that's okay I guess as a treat.
I was going through my older photos on my iPhone to delete them and found the receipt from 2 weeks ago -----

I don't normally go through costs of food items, but ...
I'm the dumb bunny for not watching - buyer beware.
Stick a fork in me, I'm DONE!
I will never, I said EVER step foot on that farm again!