Forum GOD!
Nope I'll wait and see how it goes down. Az clots is a worry?
I read where the percentage of people who got clots after AZ vaccine was no greater than percentage of people who didn't and still got clots.
I have allergies to many, many antibiotics to the point where my doc is worried about what they are going to give me if I ever really get sick. Also, I am developing more and more food allergies as I get older. I'm to the point that there is something in most commercially made bread/wheat and the like products that causes me to have watery, runny, itchy eyes with severe nasal congestion and sneezing fits, besides several other food allergies that cause hives and numbness/tingling in mouth and lips.
I decided that I'd rather take the chance that the Moderna vaccine would cause a reaction versus getting COVID. I've read what happens in moderate to severe cases and I don't want that to be me. Maybe if I was in my early 20s and healthy and thinking about getting pregnant soon I'd make a different decision, but I'm not and I don't want COVID after seeing what it can do.