Vaccines actually lessen the likelihood of death and severe outcomes for the groups with the highest comorbidities which also have the weakest immune systems from diseases that effect the inflammatory pathways like heart disease, diabetes 2, obesity, cancer etc.Yeah, I said both vaccines and covid can cause long term effects because the vaccines still trigger an immune response, just the one given by the vaccine sound be milder than a fulltime fledged covid infection without prior inoculation.
Not sure why you think I am disagreeing with you about that. Also not sure why you seem to seperate long covid from other autoimmune responses
So while the vaccines effect or immune system, it's generally in a positive way. All the vaccines have been tested for side effects and a few billion have been administered and the studies are out there for your viewing. Try google scholar.
The vaccine doesn't trigger an immune response like the virus does because they have different jobs and destinations. Both rely on the immune system to deliver their cargo, one being the virus the other the cure. The job of the vaccine is to make sure the key doesn't fit into the lock basically, so it bungs up the hole where the key goes, well at least most of the time, it's about 85-95% effective and the reason why some people still end up on ventilators and/or die. Right now it's mostly the unvaccinated but in populations where most are vaccinated it's the vaccinated who are dying. For example last month in the UK 2500 seniors died of covid. 2000 were double vaccinated and 500 were unvaccinated simply because that demographic was close to 99% double vaxxed.