Yesterday, I was in the garden from 9 till 3.30, weeding all the bromeliads. When I was done, there was only a 4 mt space to finish, so I was thoroughly satisfied with myself. " Finish that off tomorrow morning, no problem!"
Life, however, has an uncanny knack of ripping up your plans and making your day a right royal mess.
When I went downstairs at about 7am, my (disabled) son was sitting at the table with half a dozen napkins wrapped around his hand.
" I cut myself on that thing", he said. The chopping blade of the food processor

Cut his thumb, rather nastily, to be honest, but I wasn't going to any A&E at 7am , so I cleaned it up, wrapped loads of gauze and tape around it and fine...
Then the gardener came, so I thought "good, he can finish weeding the bromeliads while I do some shopping."
Wrong again. When I came back 2 hrs later, my wife had him power-hosing the garage, fixing the shower fittings and installing new lights...
He finished at 4.30, so no gardening today.
Then SIL turned up, so we had to "entertain".
A friend called . "On my way to pick up some of your piccalilli!"
Had to take the gardener about 3 miles away because buses don't run here after about 3pm.
5.45pm, finally got round to making breakfast

Everything is now under control, so I'm going to sit outside with a large scotch and contemplate the mountains in front of my house