Plans for today (2023)

I think it is indeed a clear vessel filled with bubbles? Or is it just the top 6 inches or so that's clear and the base is white porcelain or fiberglass?
I can’t say for sure, but I think that’s all liquid in there. Blub blub blub… 🫧
Lying in bed listening to the rain right now. Getting up in a bit for morning tea and then coffee. I'm going to clean the house (bathrooms and kitchen) and do some food prep for hubby's meals while I m gone on my 2-week Texas trip. I'm picking up my grocery order at 3-4.

I'll get laundry and packing done tomorrow. I fly out Monday.
We've a clear day today once the fog burns off, so there's a load of washing in the machine and then we're off our for a walk, then the weekly shop and home before 5pm when I have my usual weekly phone call, listen to my mum talking at me. I won't say to me or with me because I don't often get a word in edgewise unless she wants to know that I'm still there...

Today's due to be the only fine day for the next week which is a pain because the fire is still lit, we're due out and it was the only day I cloud have swept the chimney. We're due rain every day next week and I won't climb on the roof when it's wet or windy.
Frost this morning so not a lot. Turn oven on after bacon and eggs for wife .
Start beef cooking low for 5 hrs. Prep veges later. Potatoes carrots kumara pumpkin parsnips.
Yorkshire puds store bought. Peas and gravy.
Groceries later.
Family so 10 for dinner.

We're off to see Indiana Jones' latest offering.

I've heard quite a lot of criticism, people seem to be expecting some clever plot or artistic merit, from a kids film!

So long as they play the theme tune I'll be happy. I might take some ibuprofen on Harrison Fords behalf before I leave though :laugh:
Trying desperately to get everything done before 8am. The Electricity Company has programmed major maintenance for this weekend and it's highly likely we'll be without electricity for about 8 hours...
Hoping it dries up enough to get out back and do some lawn work..It's becoming pretty scruffy back there.
That’s what I’d say out loud, but in my head, it’d be…”…stay just wet enough to keep me inside…where’s my beer?” :wink:
I don’t have a fancy big rig that shakes the bejeezus out of my beer so I can drink one while I do yardwork. 😜

This is the crucial point of the season when the veggie garden can get away on me with over grown weeds. I swore it won’t happen this year and I usually only have Sundays to dedicate some serious time to it. If I miss today it will be a lost cause by next week. A day of reckoning.
I just saw the first IJ movie for the first time on Friday. MrsT loves those movies (mainly because she has <say something naughty here> for Harrison Ford, even if he is 97yo). She wants to watch them all to prep for the new one.

Meh…I give it a 5/10. It’s fluff. Of course, I’m watching it with 40 years or so of history behind it, so it can’t be the same as seeing it when it came out initially, but it’s sort of dorky, and color me stupid, but isn’t he basically an artifact-stealing mercenary? I get he’s working for “the good guys,” and any time you’re on the opposite side of the Nazis, you’re where you should be, but during the opening scene, it sure seemed like he was trying to steal that little golden thing from the indigenous people there.

When I asked that, MrsT told me to shut my dirty, filthy, lying mouth, because Indy’s a good guy…a very sexy, rugged-in-a-boyish-way good guy, and if he’s taking some other culture’s religious icons, he’s got a very good and sexy reason for doing so. :eek:

You'll never enjoy movies like that if you continue to overthink them. :wink:

A Sunday trip to Lugano, Switzerland, only 40 mins driving from home. Great weather, I also had a short swim into the lake.

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