Plans for today (2023)

Christmas shopping today which means a long day out. We've only got 1 more full weekend at home before we fly to the UK, so it's time to get the bits for people.

That means a long day out, on the day when our clocks have gone forward and we've lost an hour, plus eating out and the monthly shop.

Luckily it is labour day tomorrow so hubby has another day off. Also luckily is that we've had our covid & flu vaccinations updated and neither of us seem to have any side effects other than a sore arm.

What ozzie things did you think they would like??
Hokey pokey??

Tomorrow one of our vehicles is in for an overdue repair. It has been making a high pitched whine that was engine rev connected since the beginning of December. Convincing hubby to get out into the garage to be looked at to some doing and it wasn't something that could be dealt with that day because parts needed to be ordered in. We've worn out the tension bar on the fan belt, so the fan belt is slipping.

So the plan is that we'll take both vehicles into the city, I'll pick hubby up and then we've done smartphone and tablet accessories that need to be purchased. Neither of the new devices have a 3.5mm jack, so we need to move everything over to Bluetooth. Hubby has been using my Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones since Christmas day but wants his own and those headphones aren't suitable for taking/making phone calls on, so I need some for my new phone.

Then we'll probably end up eating lunch out and possibly end up at the nature reserve to kill sometime before doing a very small weekly shop (fresh fruit & veg only) and going back to collect the hopefully repaired SUV before heading home. It will be a long day, so today's plans involve doing nothing much at all.

Hubby has already swept the kitchen, washed the dishes and hung the washing out to dry. His idea of nothing is pretty close to mine, lol.
So I'm expecting to raid the raspberries again and possibly the strawberries. The area inside the netting under the fruit trees need cutting and the border needs cutting back. I've got some roses to dead head and it's due to be 30°C so I'm expecting us to hide inside the house for much of the day.

Picking raspberries already?? Wow.

Its 1 pm here. Lamb needs to go in oven in an hour. Prep potatoes. Turmeric coloured today.
Wifes birthday today from a few weeks ago.
Daughter bringing nice bread
Arancini balls with tomato sauce. ( spicy)
Middle eastern leg lamb.
D.i.l bringing her vege salad. ( its good)
Ice cream sandwiches. Ice cream between 2 biscuits.

Cleaning up afterwards. 3 dishwasher loads. ( usual)

Heading out to Oktoberfest, here’s the beer list:

The biggest Oktoberfest in the Dallas area happened two weeks ago, in Addison. I used to run a German car show there years ago. We had some incredible cars.

We have a car show at this one, I’ll get some pics later.

Walking into the grounds:

Greeted by the jagdhorn gruppe (hunting horns).:

Lovely ladies lashing out libations:

Hey…I’m an alum, attended three years:
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